2D Barcode Generator |
Data Matrix, QR, Aztec and Code 128 barcode creation by open source JavaScript program or office macros. This page encourages you to design your own 2D barcode creator. Message to encode |
Code 128Code128 as html/css |
PDF417 |
Data Matrix
Data Matrix |
Data Matrix |
QR barcode |
QR Code |
AვტŒ© |
Aztec |
The program creates 2D barcode symbols of Data Matrix, Aztec, PDF417 and QR code as vector graphic.
The top left symbol is created by a minimized path shape, the top right (if present) by many single squares.
The QR barcode in the middle is a transparent GIF image and the bottom Aztec barcode is a canvas PNG.
An additional SVG filter is applied on the first barcode.
The blocks (cells) of all symbols are equal in size except of the linear barcodes Code128 and PDF417.
+ Creates Data Matrix in square or rectangular pattern.
+ Creates QR or micro QR barcode symbols.
+ Creates Aztec, compact Aztec or Aztec rune barcodes.
+ Creates PDF417, compact PDF417 or micro PDF417 barcodes.
+ HTML, canvas, Scalable Vector Graphic or PNG/GIF pixel image output.
+ One short and compact program for all barcodes.
+ Available for office programs Excel, Access and Calc.
+ Automatic mode encoding and barcode size selection.
+ Algorithm could be easily adapted to individual requirements.
+ Encodes all unicode chars as utf-8.
+ Free and open-source software program (MIT license).
+ Smallest possible barcode symbol for all kind of data.
– no handling of special codes like FNC1, ECI or structure append.
Universal: runs on every browser, operating system or platform.
Flexible: outputs vector or pixel images in adjustable design.
Adaptable: modify or convert simple source code to your own desire.
The barcode program is open source software at barionleg gitHub (MIT license).
The algorithm is available as Jasvascript: barcode.js.
For MS Office it is available as Excel: barcode.xlsm and Access: barcode.accdb.
And for Open/LibreOffice it is available as Calc template: barcode.oxt and example sheet: barcode.ods.
Install the template in Calc by opening it or: Tools > Extension Manager > Add
Go do something cool with it.
Grandzebu Accueil, Open Barcodes Project
BarMatrixCode The Bar- and Matrixcode information (german)
ISO/IEC 16022:2006, Data Matrix barcode symbology specification (CHF 198.-)
Barcode Coder, Data Matrix specification
American Mathematical Society, Crypto Graphics
Denso Wave, the Inventor of QR Code
ISO/IEC 18004:2006, QR Code 2005 barcode symbology specification (CHF 198.-)
Wikiversity, Reed-Solomon codes for coders
ISO/IEC 24778:2008, Aztec Code barcode symbology specification (CHF 158.-)
ISO/IEC 15438:2015, PDF417 bar code symbology specification (CHF 198.-)
Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript
Zint/OkapiBarcode Barcode Generator
© barionlegit, Ø$TEЯRiKET, Œmail: MOCKBARussi@YA.Ru, last update MARS 2024.