
Gathering Anonymous Statistics

To better understand which features we should add to the service and improve it further, we implemented functionality for gathering anonymous statistics. This section aims to describe what exact information we collect.

We respect the privacy of our users; this is why all statistics are strictly anonymized before being sent to our servers. There is no possibility to de-anonymize received information. In short, we collect information about how many users, applications, services, and faces your installation has. During the first user sign-up, there is a sign “Agree to send anonymous statistics.” By checking it, you agree with Exadel Privacy Policy and agree to send anonymous statistics to our servers.

What we collect:

What we do NOT collect:

During the first start, we assign to the CompreFace installation the install_guid variable. This variable is random; there is no possibility to retrieve any information from it; the only purpose of this variable is to understand that gathered statistics were sent from one machine. We send it in every request to our server to understand that this is the same installation as before.

Examples of saved data:

"2021-03-15 09:16:31.676","560eee90-5fca-11eb-988b-0242ac120003","USER_CREATE"
"2021-03-15 09:16:32.031","560eee90-5fca-11eb-988b-0242ac120003","APP_CREATE"
"2021-03-15 09:16:32.291","560eee90-5fca-11eb-988b-0242ac120003","FACE_DETECTION_CREATE"
"2021-03-15 09:16:32.607","560eee90-5fca-11eb-988b-0242ac120003","FACE_VERIFICATION_CREATE"
"2021-03-15 09:16:32.998","560eee90-5fca-11eb-988b-0242ac120003","FACE_RECOGNITION_CREATE"
"2021-03-13 13:25:49.700","59638de4-5fca-11eb-848b-0242ac120002","a3d5dda8-b53a-4465-a44e-f1c3c81c7551","501-2000"
"2021-03-13 13:25:49.840","59638de4-5fca-11eb-848b-0242ac120002","a4594ccc-198a-492e-8146-8bbf27972296","0"
"2021-03-13 13:25:50.003","59638de4-5fca-11eb-848b-0242ac120002","39c1925d-a1a9-4d44-8eb3-6acf132b89f2","1-10"
"2021-03-13 13:25:50.763","59638de4-5fca-11eb-848b-0242ac120002","794dd0ec-ac88-4552-90a8-f0bb0ddcee1e","201-500"

How we use the data

The data is used to understand the popularity of different services, how many faces usually are saved to face collection and how many users use CompreFace on an ongoing basis. We do not provide this data to third parties in any case. However, we still can publish aggregated data in self-promotional goals, like “CompreFace has N active users” or “CompreFace is successfully used with face collections that stores more than 1 million faces”.

If you have any questions about the privacy policy, what data we collect, or how we use it, please get in touch with us