
User Roles System

CompreFace roles system consists of two types of roles - global roles and application roles. The users with these roles have different responsibilities, so we recommend that you delimit such users and follow our recommendations to avoid giving too much access to sensitive information. Of course, in small teams and at your own risk, you can ignore these recommendations.

Global Roles

Global roles define what permissions you have in the system itself, and the primary responsibility of such users is to maintain the system itself. Therefore, we recommend adding the most permissive (owner and administrator) roles to technical support employees. Then there is no reason to add such users to applications as they still have all permissions within the application.

In CompreFace, the first user automatically receives the global owner role and has rights for any operation within CompreFace - managing users and creating and managing applications. The only restriction for the global owner is that such a user can’t delete themselves from the system, so the user has to assign the global owner role to somebody else and then remove themselves from the system.

Users with the global administrator role have the same permissions as users with the global owner role. The only difference is that such users can't manage the user with the global owner role. We recommend reducing users with such a role to the minimum number required to maintain the system.

All new users are automatically assigned the global user role. These users can’t create applications, can access only the applications they were added to, and can’t manage other users. These users use CompreFace for face recognition and are part of the development team; they are not responsible for managing other users and their permissions.

Application Roles

Application roles define the user’s role within an application, and the primary responsibility of such users is to develop applications into which they are going to integrate CompreFace. We recommend that the most permissive roles (owner and administrator) were added as project managers and team leads, as they are responsible for the application. We also recommend that all application users have the global user role. To become a member of an application team, users with a global user role need to be added to the application directly by the global owner, global administrator, or application owner.

The user that creates an application automatically receives the application owner role and has rights for any operation within the application - managing the application and its users and creating and managing Face Services. The only restriction for the application owner is that they can’t delete themselves from the application, so they have to assign the application owner role to somebody else before deleting themselves.

Users with the application administrator role (global user role + application administrator role) can create and manage Face Services but can’t manage an application and its users.

Users with the application user role can’t manage anything in the application. This is the least permissive role (global user role + application user role), but this provides enough information to integrate CompreFace with any other application, so we recommend that most CompreFace users have this role.