Cooper matlabvisualphysics@gmail.com DOWNLOAD DIRECTORY FOR MATLAB SCRIPTS qm002.py [1D] time dependent Schrodinger Equation
using the Finite Difference Time Development Method (FDTD). link WAVE-PACKET
SPREADING As an example, in solving the [1D] time
dependent Schrodinger equation for a free particle, let’s consider an
initial state described by the Gaussian function where A is a
normalized constant and is calculated so that An
animation of the time evolution of the wavepacket is shown in figure 1. Fig.
1. Animation of the wavepacket
from its initial state. The top graph shows the real part of the
wavefunction, the middle graph the imaginary part, and the bottom
graph, the probability density. You will notice that the width of the wavepacket grows with time,
i.e., wavepacket spreading. Although,
the wavefunction develops real and imaginary parts, both of which have lots
of wiggles, the probability density turns out to be another Gaussian function
with a width that increases with time. Eventually, the width of the wavepacket
is proportional to time (figure 2). The initial wavefunction has a spread of
momentum and this distribution of momentum remains constant for a free
particle because there are zero forces to change it. Since there is a spread
in possible momenta, there is also a spread in velocities Fig.
2. The uncertainties in the
position The wavepacket
does not propagate since the initial velocity of the wavepacket is zero, it
only spreads since there are zero forces acting on the particle. So, the
expectation values of momentum, total energy, kinetic energy and potential
energy are constants, independent of time. Hence, the wavepacket cannot move
through space, it can only expand. |