Earthquake Engineering with Uncertainty Quantification Application (EE-UQ)¶
Frank McKenna , Kuanshi Zhong , Michael Gardner , Adam Zsarnoczay , Sang-ri Yi , Aakash Bangalore Satish , Charles Wang , Wael Elhaddad & Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein
The Earthquake Engineering with Uncertainty Quantification Application (EE-UQ) (EE-UQ app) is an open-source research application that can be used to predict the response of a building subjected to earthquake events. The application is focused on quantifying the uncertainties in the predicted response, given the uncertainties in models, earthquake loads, and analysis. The computations are performed in a workflow application that will run on either the user’s local machine or on a high-performance computer made available by DesignSafe.
This document covers the features and capabilities of Version 4.1 of the tool. Users are encouraged to comment on what additional features and capabilities they would like to see in future versions of the application through the github discussion page.
User Manual
Technical Manual
Developer Manual
Frank McKenna, NHERI SimCenter, UC Berkeley,
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