Source code for Mapping.point_cloud_sampling.point_cloud_sampling

Point cloud sampling example codes. This code supports
- Voxel point sampling
- Farthest point sampling
- Poisson disk sampling

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from collections import defaultdict

do_plot = True

[docs]def voxel_point_sampling(original_points: npt.NDArray, voxel_size: float): """ Voxel Point Sampling function. This function sample N-dimensional points with voxel grid. Points in a same voxel grid will be merged by mean operation for sampling. Parameters ---------- original_points : (M, N) N-dimensional points for sampling. The number of points is M. voxel_size : voxel grid size Returns ------- sampled points (M', N) """ voxel_dict = defaultdict(list) for i in range(original_points.shape[0]): xyz = original_points[i, :] xyz_index = tuple(xyz // voxel_size) voxel_dict[xyz_index].append(xyz) points = np.vstack([np.mean(v, axis=0) for v in voxel_dict.values()]) return points
[docs]def farthest_point_sampling(orig_points: npt.NDArray, n_points: int, seed: int): """ Farthest point sampling function This function sample N-dimensional points with the farthest point policy. Parameters ---------- orig_points : (M, N) N-dimensional points for sampling. The number of points is M. n_points : number of points for sampling seed : random seed number Returns ------- sampled points (n_points, N) """ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) n_orig_points = orig_points.shape[0] first_point_id = rng.choice(range(n_orig_points)) min_distances = np.ones(n_orig_points) * float("inf") selected_ids = [first_point_id] while len(selected_ids) < n_points: base_point = orig_points[selected_ids[-1], :] distances = np.linalg.norm(orig_points[np.newaxis, :] - base_point, axis=2).flatten() min_distances = np.minimum(min_distances, distances) distances_rank = np.argsort(-min_distances) # Farthest order for i in distances_rank: # From the farthest point if i not in selected_ids: # if not selected yes, select it selected_ids.append(i) break return orig_points[selected_ids, :]
[docs]def poisson_disk_sampling(orig_points: npt.NDArray, n_points: int, min_distance: float, seed: int, MAX_ITER=1000): """ Poisson disk sampling function This function sample N-dimensional points randomly until the number of points keeping minimum distance between selected points. Parameters ---------- orig_points : (M, N) N-dimensional points for sampling. The number of points is M. n_points : number of points for sampling min_distance : minimum distance between selected points. seed : random seed number MAX_ITER : Maximum number of iteration. Default is 1000. Returns ------- sampled points (n_points or less, N) """ rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) selected_id = rng.choice(range(orig_points.shape[0])) selected_ids = [selected_id] loop = 0 while len(selected_ids) < n_points and loop <= MAX_ITER: selected_id = rng.choice(range(orig_points.shape[0])) base_point = orig_points[selected_id, :] distances = np.linalg.norm( orig_points[np.newaxis, selected_ids] - base_point, axis=2).flatten() if min(distances) >= min_distance: selected_ids.append(selected_id) loop += 1 if len(selected_ids) != n_points: print("Could not find the specified number of points...") return orig_points[selected_ids, :]
def plot_sampled_points(original_points, sampled_points, method_name): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') ax.scatter(original_points[:, 0], original_points[:, 1], original_points[:, 2], marker=".", label="Original points") ax.scatter(sampled_points[:, 0], sampled_points[:, 1], sampled_points[:, 2], marker="o", label="Filtered points") plt.legend() plt.title(method_name) plt.axis("equal") def main(): n_points = 1000 seed = 1234 rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) x = rng.normal(0.0, 10.0, n_points) y = rng.normal(0.0, 1.0, n_points) z = rng.normal(0.0, 10.0, n_points) original_points = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T print(f"{original_points.shape=}") print("Voxel point sampling") voxel_size = 20.0 voxel_sampling_points = voxel_point_sampling(original_points, voxel_size) print(f"{voxel_sampling_points.shape=}") print("Farthest point sampling") n_points = 20 farthest_sampling_points = farthest_point_sampling(original_points, n_points, seed) print(f"{farthest_sampling_points.shape=}") print("Poisson disk sampling") n_points = 20 min_distance = 10.0 poisson_disk_points = poisson_disk_sampling(original_points, n_points, min_distance, seed) print(f"{poisson_disk_points.shape=}") if do_plot: plot_sampled_points(original_points, voxel_sampling_points, "Voxel point sampling") plot_sampled_points(original_points, farthest_sampling_points, "Farthest point sampling") plot_sampled_points(original_points, poisson_disk_points, "poisson disk sampling") if __name__ == '__main__': main()