Source code for PathPlanning.BSplinePath.bspline_path


Path Planner with B-Spline

author: Atsushi Sakai (@Atsushi_twi)

import sys
import pathlib

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.interpolate as interpolate

from utils.plot import plot_curvature

[docs]def approximate_b_spline_path(x: list, y: list, n_path_points: int, degree: int = 3, s=None, ) -> tuple: """ Approximate points with a B-Spline path Parameters ---------- x : array_like x position list of approximated points y : array_like y position list of approximated points n_path_points : int number of path points degree : int, optional B Spline curve degree. Must be 2<= k <= 5. Default: 3. s : int, optional smoothing parameter. If this value is bigger, the path will be smoother, but it will be less accurate. If this value is smaller, the path will be more accurate, but it will be less smooth. When `s` is 0, it is equivalent to the interpolation. Default is None, in this case `s` will be `len(x)`. Returns ------- x : array x positions of the result path y : array y positions of the result path heading : array heading of the result path curvature : array curvature of the result path """ distances = _calc_distance_vector(x, y) spl_i_x = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(distances, x, k=degree, s=s) spl_i_y = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(distances, y, k=degree, s=s) sampled = np.linspace(0.0, distances[-1], n_path_points) return _evaluate_spline(sampled, spl_i_x, spl_i_y)
[docs]def interpolate_b_spline_path(x, y, n_path_points: int, degree: int = 3) -> tuple: """ Interpolate x-y points with a B-Spline path Parameters ---------- x : array_like x positions of interpolated points y : array_like y positions of interpolated points n_path_points : int number of path points degree : int, optional B-Spline degree. Must be 2<= k <= 5. Default: 3 Returns ------- x : array x positions of the result path y : array y positions of the result path heading : array heading of the result path curvature : array curvature of the result path """ return approximate_b_spline_path(x, y, n_path_points, degree, s=0.0)
def _calc_distance_vector(x, y): dx, dy = np.diff(x), np.diff(y) distances = np.cumsum([np.hypot(idx, idy) for idx, idy in zip(dx, dy)]) distances = np.concatenate(([0.0], distances)) distances /= distances[-1] return distances def _evaluate_spline(sampled, spl_i_x, spl_i_y): x = spl_i_x(sampled) y = spl_i_y(sampled) dx = spl_i_x.derivative(1)(sampled) dy = spl_i_y.derivative(1)(sampled) heading = np.arctan2(dy, dx) ddx = spl_i_x.derivative(2)(sampled) ddy = spl_i_y.derivative(2)(sampled) curvature = (ddy * dx - ddx * dy) / np.power(dx * dx + dy * dy, 2.0 / 3.0) return np.array(x), y, heading, curvature, def main(): print(__file__ + " start!!") # way points way_point_x = [-1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0] way_point_y = [0.0, -3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0] n_course_point = 50 # sampling number plt.subplots() rax, ray, heading, curvature = approximate_b_spline_path( way_point_x, way_point_y, n_course_point, s=0.5) plt.plot(rax, ray, '-r', label="Approximated B-Spline path") plot_curvature(rax, ray, heading, curvature) plt.title("B-Spline approximation") plt.plot(way_point_x, way_point_y, '-og', label="way points") plt.grid(True) plt.legend() plt.axis("equal") plt.subplots() rix, riy, heading, curvature = interpolate_b_spline_path( way_point_x, way_point_y, n_course_point) plt.plot(rix, riy, '-b', label="Interpolated B-Spline path") plot_curvature(rix, riy, heading, curvature) plt.title("B-Spline interpolation") plt.plot(way_point_x, way_point_y, '-og', label="way points") plt.grid(True) plt.legend() plt.axis("equal") if __name__ == '__main__': main()