Normal vector estimation

Normal vector calculation of a 3D triangle

A 3D point is as a vector:

\[p = [x, y, z]\]

When there are 3 points in 3D space, \(p_1, p_2, p_3\),

we can calculate a normal vector n of a 3D triangle which is consisted of the points.

\[n = \frac{v1 \times v2}{|v1 \times v2|}\]


\[v1 = p2 - p1\]
\[v2 = p3 - p1\]

This is an example of normal vector calculation:



Mapping.normal_vector_estimation.normal_vector_estimation.calc_normal_vector(p1, p2, p3)[source]

Calculate normal vector of triangle

  • p1 (np.array) – 3D point

  • p2 (np.array) – 3D point

  • p3 (np.array) – 3D point


normal_vector – normal vector (3,)

Return type


Normal vector estimation with RANdam SAmpling Consensus(RANSAC)

Consider the problem of estimating the normal vector of a plane based on a set of N 3D points where a plane can be observed.

There is a way that uses all point cloud data to estimate a plane and a normal vector using the least-squares method

However, this method is vulnerable to noise of the point cloud.

In this document, we will use a method that uses RANdam SAmpling Consensus(RANSAC) to estimate a plane and a normal vector.

RANSAC is a robust estimation methods for data set with outliers.

This RANSAC based normal vector estimation method is as follows:

  1. Select 3 points randomly from the point cloud.

  2. Calculate a normal vector of a plane which is consists of the sampled 3 points.

  3. Calculate the distance between the calculated plane and the all point cloud.

  4. If the distance is less than a threshold, the point is considered to be an inlier.

  5. Repeat the above steps until the inlier ratio is greater than a threshold.

This is an example of RANSAC based normal vector estimation:



Mapping.normal_vector_estimation.normal_vector_estimation.ransac_normal_vector_estimation(points_3d, inlier_radio_th=0.7, inlier_dist=0.1, p=0.99)[source]

RANSAC based normal vector estimation

  • points_3d (np.array) – 3D points (N, 3)

  • inlier_radio_th (float) – Inlier ratio threshold. If inlier ratio is larger than this value, the iteration is stopped. Default is 0.7.

  • inlier_dist (float) – Inlier distance threshold. If distance between points and estimated plane is smaller than this value, the point is inlier. Default is 0.1.

  • p (float) – Probability that at least one of the sets of random samples does not include an outlier. If this probability is near 1, the iteration number is large. Default is 0.99.


  • center_vector (np.array) – Center of estimated plane. (3,)

  • normal_vector (np.array) – Normal vector of estimated plane. (3,)