Breathe life into your designer!

with Sirius and GEMOC

Cédric Brun, OBEO (@bruncedric)
Benoit Combemale, INRIA and Univ. Rennes 1 (@bcombemale)

Slides available at

Behavioral Models

Behavioral Models

Business Processes, Orchestrations, Functional chains, Activities, Protocoles, Scenarios...

Analysis of Behavioral Models

  • Early V&V of behavioral properties
  • Software engineering, systems engineering, enterprise architecture, scientific modeling...

Model Debugging

  • Traversing step forward the states reached by the model through the application of the interpreter
  • Intuitive model comprehension technique
    • No abstraction gap
    • Better turn-arounds
  • ⇒ Fast convergence towards an acceptable design

Omniscient Model Debugging

  • Relies on an execution trace to revert the executed model into a prior state
  • Forward/backward navigation into the execution trace
    • No record & replay
    • (similar) Replay

Omniscient Debugging of Activity Diagrams

Debugger for Activity Diagrams


Required Tools

Required Tools

How to get your own
(domain-specific) debugger?

Required Developments

Required Developments

Proposed Approach: Sirius Animation

  • Xtend/Kermeta or Java to define the interpreter
  • Sirius to define the animator by extension of the tooling description
  • A generative approach for the trace manager
  • A generic execution engine
  • A generic control panel and timeline

Animating Arduino Designer

a simple Eclipse Based tooling

Arduino Simulator

  • 2 new plugins :
    • fr.obeo.dsl.arduino.simulator
    Language  files    blank        comment           code
    Java        14      229            318           1185
    XML          5        0              0            329
    Maven        2       12             18             54
    SUM:        21      241            336           1568


public class LoopSwitch extends ArduinoSwitch  {
public Object caseSensor(Sensor sensor) {
	final Pin pin = ArduinoUtils.getPin(simulator.getProject(),
	return interpretObjectValueToBoolean(simulator.getPinLevel(pin));

public Object caseRepeat(Repeat repeat) {
	final Instruction first = repeat.getInstructions().get(0);
	for (int i = 0; i < repeat.getIteration(); ++i) {
		Instruction current = first;
		while (current != null) {
			current = current.getNext();
	return null;

// ...			 

Execution Engine

public class SimulatorDebugger extends AbstractDSLDebugger {
public void start() {
	new Thread(new Runnable() {

		public void run() {
	}, "Arduino Simulator").start();

public void updateData(String threadName, EObject instruction) {
	if (!hardwareFramePushed) {
		pushStackFrame(Thread.currentThread().getName(), simulator
				.getProject().getHardware().getName(), simulator
				.getProject().getHardware(), instruction);
		hardwareFramePushed = true;
	} else {
		setCurrentInstruction(Thread.currentThread().getName(), instruction);
	for (Entry<Variable, Object> entry : nextSuspendVariables.entrySet()) {
				simulator.getProject().getHardware().getName(), "variable",
				entry.getKey().getName(), entry.getValue(), true);
	if (!nextSuspendVariables.isEmpty()) {
		lastSuspendVariables = nextSuspendVariables;
		nextSuspendVariables = new HashMap<Variable, Object>();
	for (Entry<Pin, Integer> entry : nextSuspendPins.entrySet()) {
				simulator.getProject().getHardware().getName(), "pin",
				String.valueOf(entry.getKey().getId()), entry.getValue(),
	if (!nextSuspendPins.isEmpty()) {
		lastSuspendPins = nextSuspendPins;
		nextSuspendPins = new HashMap<Pin, Integer>();

// ...			 


  • simulator.odesign customizing arduino.odesign

Animator (2)

  • Contributing actions

  • Adapting style

Leverage the Sirius Animation runtime

  • Encapsulate step over/into/return in transactions
  • Bridge the Eclipse Debug APIs and the EMF APIs
  • Transmit events and requests
  • Initialize the tooling extension
  • Provide off-the-shelf ecore model for runtime data

Ecore model for Runtime data

Launch Configurations


... with no cat


  • The GEMOC ANR project (

    A Language Workbench for concurrent execution and simulation of heterogeneous models

  • The GEMOC Initiative (

    GEMOC is an open international initiative that aims to coordinate and disseminate the research results regarding the support of the coordinated use of various modeling languages that will lead to the concept of globalization of modeling languages, that is, the use of multiple modeling languages to support coordinated development of diverse aspects of a system.

GEMOC Technologies

  • Ready for pilote project:
    • Sirius Animation (animator designer and runtime, execution engine, trace manager)
  • Ready for more R&D:
    • MoccML and Timesquare for explicit concurrency specification in DSLs
    • BCOoL for coordination patterns between DSLs

Introducing Sirius Lab

Generic technologies (EPL) which have proven helpful and are looking for an interest to bring it at full maturity level.

in a Nutshell...

  • POJO Animator (case of Arduino Designer)
    • Code the Interpreter, the Execution Engine and possibly any additional tools
    • quick results, easy to integrate, very few (or custom) execution control.

  • Advanced Animator (case of Activity Diagram)
    • Code the Interpreter and use the generic Execution Engine and Trace manager
    • more analysis capabilities (concurrency) and rich execution control (panel, timeline...)


- Try executable Arduino Designer 0.1.x
- Read the GEMOC Publications
- Join the GEMOC Initiative
- Get in touch with us to breath life into your designer