\n"; echo " \n"; echo " var swfVersionStr = \"10.0.0\";\n"; echo " \n"; echo " var xiSwfUrlStr = \"playerProductInstall.swf\";\n"; echo " var flashvars = {};\n"; if ( isset($_GET['type']) ){ echo " flashvars.type = \"" . $_GET['type'] . "\";\n"; } if ( isset($_GET['scheme']) ){ echo " flashvars.scheme = \"" . $_GET['scheme'] . "\";\n"; } if ( isset($_GET['n']) ){ echo " flashvars.n = \"" . $_GET['n'] . "\";\n"; } echo " var params = {};\n"; echo " params.quality = \"high\";\n"; echo " params.bgcolor = \"#000000\";\n"; echo " params.allowscriptaccess = \"always\";\n"; echo " var attributes = {};\n"; echo " attributes.id = \"ColorBrewer\";\n"; echo " attributes.name = \"ColorBrewer\";\n"; echo " attributes.align = \"middle\";\n"; echo " attributes.bgcolor = \"#869ca7\";\n"; echo " swfobject.embedSWF(\n"; echo " \"ColorBrewer.swf\", \"flashContent\", \n"; echo " 1000, 630, \n"; echo " swfVersionStr, xiSwfUrlStr,\n"; echo " flashvars, params, attributes);\n"; echo " \n"; echo " swfobject.createCSS(\"#flashContent\", \"display:block;text-align:left;\");\n"; echo "\n"; ?>

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© Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower and The Pennsylvania State University
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