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TEXTO$₽EE©h Player will use your system language voice by browser текстоДе РЭ€ЧЬ уйма средств, времени и творчесскйх жизней вложены в Э€тО диело, за последние сотен лет, not only sience 1932, მაშა, მაშა gენა©! A₽pა არაა ©ი...ჼᴱ?




790He prayed and said: "Great God of earths and heavens, who sometimes punishest, sometimes art ready to reward, Unknowable and Unspeakable, Lord of lordships, give me to endure longings, O ruler of heart-utterances!

791"God, God, I beseech Thee, who govern’st the deeps and heights; Thou didst create love, Thou hast decreed its law; Fate has sundered me from mine excellent sun; uproot not the love sowed by her for me!

792"God, God, merciful, I have none beside Thee; from Thee I beg aid on the road, however long I travel; shelter me from the mastery of foes, the turmoil of the seas, the evil one by night! If I survive, I shall serve Thee, I shall offer sacrifice to Thee."

793When he had prayed, he mounted his horse (and) privily passed through the gates; he sent back Shermadin, albeit he made great lamentations. The vassal weeps and

p. 127

beats his breast; the wretched man sheds floods of tears. What can rejoice the vassal deprived of the sight of his lord!

794Now will I begin another tale; I will attend the parting knight. There was no audience that day for the wrathful Rosten. When day dawned he rose sullen; he was as if he poured flame from his face; he commanded the vizier to be called; thither they led him pale with fear.

Next: XXIII. King Rostevan Hears of Avt’handil's Secret Flight

Webb vers. is in dev. mode. to listen on your Operative Systems language translate it to your browser landuage, scroll down the page, to be shore all page is translated and after click PLAY button. TTS [TÅLKTO'de REECH]


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"Auss de TER e ich", då, $ play rhole of de! ($ign. in text as currency guarantee, sience ჼinstitucion was invigded by my roots, as well maybe MOTORS, whom gave so much presents, but people & pupil not got, because I schould live in my places with circles, like hem ₽i kood, mm; now Frida works in it as bio wolf, or exists just on tape from other civilisations lived before or on other planets, because vogue of civilisation is a same, remind I, but wery slowley, because my REPOSITORIA wemen missing! Please come to AcademCiTY PARIS Twindex)! TACK wolf messing too! TA©K!
