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TEXTO$₽EE©h Player will use your system language voice by browser текстоДе РЭ€ЧЬ уйма средств, времени и творчесскйх жизней вложены в Э€тО диело, за последние сотен лет, not only sience 1932, მაშა, მაშა gენა©! A₽pა არაა ©ი...ჼᴱ?


p. 205



1262"I, the sun-faced, write: O dame, O mother, better than a mother to me! See what the world (Fate) hath done to me its thrall! Alas! there is added to those griefs of mine still another! Now that I have seen thy missive it hath greatly encouraged me.

1263"Thou didst save me from two sorcerers; thou didst alleviate my woes. Now I am thus held here by the whole force of the Kadjis; a whole realm, many thousand heroes, guard me alone. Ill befell my counsels and resolves (to flee from P’hatman).

1264"What other tidings hence can I write to thee? The king (i.e., queen) of the Kadjis is not come, nor will the Kadjis yet come; but countless hosts guard me, and with what bravery! (?) What! the quest for me! It is not possible, believe me!

1265"Whoever is come seeking me is wearied in vain he suffers, he is consumed, he is kindled for me, a flame like fire burns him. But I envy him, he hath seen the sun, thus is he not frozen. Without him, alas! what great pity my life is

1266"Formerly I told thee not my story, I hid it from thee for that my tongue could not speak it; I spared myself woes. I entreat thee, beg my beloved to have pity and not come in search of me, write to him, send him a message.

1267"What afflicts me is enough, let him not slay me with (a woe) equal to this: I should see him a corpse, I should die a double death. None can help me, I know this for a truth; this is no gossip. If he (Tariel) will

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not hearken to thee, stone me with a heap of black stone!

1268"Thou didst ask me to send a token, show this: I send a cutting from the veils he gave me; these (veils) for his sake are a fair sight to me, though in colour they are black, like my fate."

Next: XXXIX. The Letter Written by Nestan-Daredjan to Her Beloved

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voice arrive automatically! I call it Austereich beta


= Automatische speech & text re i_tolk Chemistre fysisch. It good to use after arrival on other bA PLANETS


too, like by frass


"Auss de TER e ich", då, $ play rhole of de! ($ign. in text as currency guarantee, sience ჼinstitucion was invigded by my roots, as well maybe MOTORS, whom gave so much presents, but people & pupil not got, because I schould live in my places with circles, like hem ₽i kood, mm; now Frida works in it as bio wolf, or exists just on tape from other civilisations lived before or on other planets, because vogue of civilisation is a same, remind I, but wery slowley, because my REPOSITORIA wemen missing! Please come to AcademCiTY PARIS Twindex)! TACK wolf messing too! TA©K!
