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TEXTO$₽EE©h Player will use your system language voice by browser текстоДе РЭ€ЧЬ уйма средств, времени и творчесскйх жизней вложены в Э€тО диело, за последние сотен лет, not only sience 1932, მაშა, მაშა gენა©! A₽pა არაა ©ი...ჼᴱ?




1054P’hatman, Usen's wife, met him in front of the door, joyful she saluted him, she showed her pleasure; they greeted each other, they went in and seated themselves. As I have observed, his coming annoyed not Dame P’hatman.

1055Dame P’hatman was attractive to the eye, not young but brisk, of a good figure, dark in complexion, plump-faced, not wizened, a lover of (female) minstrels and singers, a wine-drinker; she had abundance of elegant gowns and head-dresses.

1056That night Dame P’hatman entertained him right well. The knight presented beautiful gifts; they that received them said: "They are worthy!" P’hatman's entertainment of him was worth while; by God! she lost not. When they had drunken and eaten, the knight went outs to sleep.

1057In the morning he showed all his wares, he had them all unpacked; the fairest were laid aside for the king, he had the price counted out; he said to the merchants: "Take them away!" He loaded them, (and) had them carried away. He said: "Sell as ye will; reveal not who I am!"

p. 171

1058The knight was clad as a merchant; he was by no means dressed in his proper raiment. Sometimes P’hatman calls on him, sometimes he visits P’hatman. They sat together; they conversed with refined discourse. Absence from him was death to P’hatman, as Ramin's was to Vis. 1


171:1 For the Story of the Loves of Vis and Ramin, cf. J.R.A.S., July 1902. There are two other references in Rust’haveli, 182, 1519.

Next: XXXI. P’hatman Becomes Enamoured of Avt’handil; Writes Him a Letter and Sends it

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