How We Use Cookies

How We Use Cookies

Our website, like many others, stores and retrieves information on your browser using cookies and local storage. This information is used to make the site work as you expect it to. It is not personally identifiable to you, but it can be used to give you a more personalized web experience.

List of Cookies

We use Google Adense cookies throughout the site and Facebook cookies on the comments pages.

How we use Local Storage

The text you type using the online keyboards are not sent to our servers or to anyone else. If you are using a modern browser that is capable of storing data locally, we store the text on your browser so that you don't accidentally lose your work. This also allows you to undo and redo changes while editing text. If you accidentally close your browser, the text will not be lost. In addition, we store your font size preference using local storage.

This site uses cookies and other tracking technologies to assist with your ability to provide feedback, analyze your use of our products and services, and provide content from third parties. Cookie Policy