Package nxt.http

Class GetStackTraces

  • public class GetStackTraces
    extends APIServlet.APIRequestHandler

    The GetStackTraces API will return the current stack trace for each Nxt thread.

    Request parameters:

    • depth - Stack trace depth (minimum 1, defaults to full trace)

    Response parameters:

    • locks - An array of lock objects for locks with waiters
    • threads - An array of thread objects

    Lock object:

    • name - Lock class name
    • hash - Lock identity hash code
    • thread - Identifier of thread holding the lock

    Monitor object:

    • name - Monitor class name
    • hash - Monitor identity hash
    • depth - Stack depth where monitor locked
    • trace - Stack element where monitor locked

    Thread object:

    • blocked - Lock object if thread is waiting on a lock
    • id - Thread identifier
    • locks - Array of monitor objects for locks held by this thread
    • name - Thread name
    • state - Thread state
    • trace - Array of stack trace elements