AddPeer |
API.XFrameOptionsFilter |
APIProxy |
APIProxyServlet |
APIServlet |
APIServlet.APIRequestHandler |
APITestServlet |
ApproveTransaction |
BlacklistAPIProxyPeer |
BlacklistPeer |
BroadcastTransaction |
The purpose of broadcast transaction is to support client side signing of transactions.
BuyAlias |
CalculateFullHash |
CancelAskOrder |
CancelBidOrder |
CanDeleteCurrency |
CastVote |
ClearUnconfirmedTransactions |
CreatePoll |
CurrencyBuy |
Buy currency for NXT
CurrencyMint |
Generate new currency units
CurrencyReserveClaim |
Claim currency units and receive back NXT invested into this currency before it became active
CurrencyReserveIncrease |
Increase the value of currency units by paying NXT
CurrencySell |
Sell currency for NXT
DbShellServlet |
DecodeFileToken |
DecodeHallmark |
DecodeQRCode |
The DecodeQRCode API converts a base64-encoded image of a
2-D QR (Quick Response) code to a UTF-8 string, using the ZXing library.
DecodeToken |
DecryptFrom |
DeleteAccountProperty |
DeleteAlias |
DeleteAssetShares |
DeleteCurrency |
DetectMimeType |
DGSDelisting |
DGSDelivery |
DGSFeedback |
DGSListing |
DGSPriceChange |
DGSPurchase |
DGSQuantityChange |
DGSRefund |
DividendPayment |
DownloadPrunableMessage |
DownloadTaggedData |
DumpPeers |
EncodeQRCode |
The EncodeQRCode API converts a UTF-8 string to a base64-encoded
jpeg image of a 2-D QR (Quick Response) code, using the ZXing library.
EncryptTo |
EventRegister |
The EventRegister API will create an event listener and register
one or more server events.
EventWait |
The EventWait API will wait for one of the server events
registered by EventRegister.
ExtendTaggedData |
FullHashToId |
FullReset |
GenerateFileToken |
GenerateToken |
GetAccount |
GetAccountAssetCount |
GetAccountAssets |
GetAccountBlockCount |
GetAccountBlockIds |
GetAccountBlocks |
GetAccountCurrencies |
GetAccountCurrencyCount |
GetAccountCurrentAskOrderIds |
GetAccountCurrentAskOrders |
GetAccountCurrentBidOrderIds |
GetAccountCurrentBidOrders |
GetAccountExchangeRequests |
GetAccountId |
GetAccountLedger |
The GetAccountLedger API will return entries from the account ledger.
GetAccountLedgerEntry |
The GetAccountLedgerEntry API will return an entry from the account ledger.
GetAccountLessors |
GetAccountPhasedTransactionCount |
GetAccountPhasedTransactions |
GetAccountProperties |
GetAccountPublicKey |
GetAccountShufflings |
GetAccountTaggedData |
GetAlias |
GetAliasCount |
GetAliases |
GetAliasesLike |
GetAllAssets |
GetAllBroadcastedTransactions |
GetAllCurrencies |
GetAllExchanges |
GetAllOpenAskOrders |
GetAllOpenBidOrders |
GetAllPhasingOnlyControls |
GetAllPrunableMessages |
GetAllShufflings |
GetAllTaggedData |
GetAllTrades |
GetAllWaitingTransactions |
GetAskOrder |
GetAskOrderIds |
GetAskOrders |
GetAsset |
GetAssetAccountCount |
GetAssetAccounts |
GetAssetDeletes |
GetAssetDividends |
GetAssetIds |
GetAssetPhasedTransactions |
GetAssets |
GetAssetsByIssuer |
GetAssetTransfers |
GetAssignedShufflings |
GetAvailableToBuy |
GetAvailableToSell |
GetBalance |
GetBidOrder |
GetBidOrderIds |
GetBidOrders |
GetBlock |
GetBlockchainStatus |
GetBlockchainTransactions |
GetBlockId |
GetBlocks |
GetBuyOffers |
GetChannelTaggedData |
GetConstants |
GetCurrencies |
GetCurrenciesByIssuer |
GetCurrency |
GetCurrencyAccountCount |
GetCurrencyAccounts |
GetCurrencyFounders |
GetCurrencyIds |
GetCurrencyPhasedTransactions |
GetCurrencyTransfers |
GetDataTagCount |
GetDataTags |
GetDataTagsLike |
GetDGSExpiredPurchases |
GetDGSGood |
GetDGSGoods |
GetDGSGoodsCount |
GetDGSGoodsPurchaseCount |
GetDGSGoodsPurchases |
GetDGSPendingPurchases |
GetDGSPurchase |
GetDGSPurchaseCount |
GetDGSPurchases |
GetDGSTagCount |
GetDGSTags |
GetDGSTagsLike |
GetECBlock |
GetExchanges |
GetExchangesByExchangeRequest |
GetExchangesByOffer |
GetExpectedAskOrders |
GetExpectedAssetDeletes |
GetExpectedAssetTransfers |
GetExpectedBidOrders |
GetExpectedBuyOffers |
GetExpectedCurrencyTransfers |
GetExpectedExchangeRequests |
GetExpectedOrderCancellations |
GetExpectedSellOffers |
GetExpectedTransactions |
GetForging |
GetFundingMonitor |
Get a funding monitor
GetGuaranteedBalance |
GetHoldingShufflings |
GetInboundPeers |
The GetInboundPeers API will return a list of inbound peers.
GetLastExchanges |
GetLastTrades |
GetLinkedPhasedTransactions |
GetLog |
The GetLog API will return log messages from the ring buffer
maintained by the MemoryHandler log handler.
GetMintingTarget |
Currency miners can use this API to obtain their target hash value for minting currency units
GetMyInfo |
GetNextBlockGeneratorsTemp |
The GetNextBlockGenerators API will return the next block generators ordered by the
hit time.
GetOffer |
GetOrderTrades |
GetPeer |
GetPeers |
GetPhasingOnlyControl |
Returns the phasing control certain account.
GetPhasingPoll |
GetPhasingPolls |
GetPhasingPollVote |
GetPhasingPollVotes |
GetPlugins |
GetPoll |
GetPollResult |
GetPolls |
GetPollVote |
GetPollVotes |
GetPrunableMessage |
GetPrunableMessages |
GetReferencingTransactions |
GetSellOffers |
GetSharedKey |
GetShufflers |
GetShuffling |
GetShufflingParticipants |
GetStackTraces |
The GetStackTraces API will return the current stack trace for
each Nxt thread.
GetState |
GetTaggedData |
GetTaggedDataExtendTransactions |
GetTime |
GetTrades |
GetTransaction |
GetTransactionBytes |
GetUnconfirmedTransactionIds |
GetUnconfirmedTransactions |
GetVoterPhasedTransactions |
Hash |
HexConvert |
IssueAsset |
IssueCurrency |
Issue a currency on the NXT blockchain
JSONData |
JSONResponses |
LeaseBalance |
LongConvert |
LuceneReindex |
MarkHost |
ParameterParser |
ParameterParser.FileData |
ParseTransaction |
PlaceAskOrder |
PlaceBidOrder |
PopOff |
PublishExchangeOffer |
ReadMessage |
RebroadcastUnconfirmedTransactions |
RequeueUnconfirmedTransactions |
RetrievePrunedData |
RetrievePrunedData will schedule a background task to retrieve data which
has been pruned.
RetrievePrunedTransaction |
RSConvert |
Scan |
SearchAccountAssets |
SearchAccounts |
SearchAllOpenAskOrders |
SearchAllTrades |
SearchAssets |
SearchCurrencies |
SearchDGSGoods |
SearchPolls |
SearchTaggedData |
SellAlias |
SendMessage |
SendMoney |
SendTransaction |
Sends a transaction to some peers.
SetAccountInfo |
SetAccountProperty |
SetAlias |
SetAPIProxyPeer |
SetLogging |
The SetLogging API will set the NRS log level for all log messages.
SetPhasingOnlyControl |
Sets an account control that blocks transactions unless they are phased with certain parameters
ShapeShiftProxyServlet |
ShufflingCancel |
ShufflingCreate |
ShufflingProcess |
ShufflingRegister |
ShufflingVerify |
Shutdown |
SignTransaction |
StartForging |
StartFundingMonitor |
Start a funding monitor
StartShuffler |
StopForging |
StopFundingMonitor |
Stop a funding monitor
StopShuffler |
TransferAsset |
TransferCurrency |
TrimDerivedTables |
UploadTaggedData |
VerifyPrunableMessage |
VerifyTaggedData |