Source code for dnachisel.DnaOptimizationProblem.DnaOptimizationProblem

"""Define the DnaOptimizationProblem class.

DnaOptimizationProblem is where the whole problem is defined: sequence,
constraints, objectives.

from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from proglog import default_bar_logger
from ..Specification.SpecificationSet import SpecificationSet
from ..biotools import sequences_differences_array
from ..MutationSpace import MutationSpace
from ..reports.optimization_reports import (
from .NoSolutionError import NoSolutionError
from . import mixins

[docs]class DnaOptimizationProblem( mixins.ConstraintsSolverMixin, mixins.ObjectivesMaximizerMixin, mixins.RecordRepresentationMixin, ): """Problem specifications: sequence, constraints, optimization objectives. The original constraints, objectives, and original sequence of the problem are stored in the DNA problem. This class also has methods to display reports on the constraints and objectives, as well as solving the constraints and objectives. Examples -------- >>> from dnachisel import * >>> problem = DnaOptimizationProblem( >>> sequence = "ATGCGTGTGTGC...", >>> constraints = [constraint1, constraint2, ...], >>> objectives = [objective1, objective2, ...] >>> ) >>> problem.resolve_constraints() >>> problem.optimize() >>> print(problem.constraints_text_summary()) >>> print(problem.objectives_text_summary()) Parameters ---------- sequence A string of ATGC characters (they must be upper case!), e.g. "ATTGTGTA" constraints A list of objects of type ``Specification``. objectives A list of objects of type ``Specification`` specifying what must be optimized in the problem. Note that each objective has a float ``boost`` parameter. The larger the boost, the more the objective is taken into account during the optimization. logger Either None for no logger, 'bar' for a tqdm progress bar logger, or any ProgLog progress bar logger. mutations_space A MutationSpace indicating the possible mutations. In most case the mutation space will be left to None and computed at problem initialization (which can be slightly compute-intensive), however some core DNA Chisel methods will create optimization problems with a provided mutation_space to save computing time. Attributes ---------- randomization_threshold The algorithm will use an exhaustive search when the size of the mutation space (=the number of possible variants) is above this threshold, and a (guided) random search when it is above. max_random_iters When using a random search, stop after this many iterations mutations_per_iteration When using a random search, produce this many sequence mutations each iteration. optimization_stagnation_tolerance When using a random search, stop if the score hasn't improved in the last "this many" iterations local_extensions Try local resolution several times if it fails, increasing the mutable zone by [N1, N2...] nucleotides on each side, until resolution works. (by default, an extension of 0bp is tried, then 5bp. Notes ----- The dictionary ``self.possible_mutations`` is of the form ``{location1 : list1, location2: list2...}`` where ``location`` is either a single index (e.g. 10) indicating the position of a nucleotide to be muted, or a couple ``(start, end)`` indicating a whole segment whose sub-sequence should be replaced. The ``list`` s are lists of possible sequences to replace each location, e.g. for the mutation of a whole codon ``(3,6): ["ATT", "ACT", "AGT"]``. """ randomization_threshold = 10000 max_random_iters = 1000 mutations_per_iteration = 2 optimization_stagnation_tolerance = 100 local_extensions = (0, 5) def __init__( self, sequence, constraints=None, objectives=None, logger="bar", mutation_space=None, ): """Initialize""" if isinstance(sequence, SeqRecord): self.record = sequence self.sequence = str(sequence.seq).upper() else: self.record = None self.sequence = sequence.upper() self.constraints = [] if constraints is None else list(constraints) self.objectives = [] if objectives is None else list(objectives) self.logger = default_bar_logger( logger, bars=("objective", "constraint", "location"), ignored_bars=("mutation",), min_time_interval=0.2, ) self.mutation_space = mutation_space self.initialize()
[docs] def initialize(self): """Precompute specification sets, evaluations, and mutation space.""" # Find the specifications (objectives, constraints) which are actually # SpecificationSets, and unpack these to complete the lists of # objectives and constraints. for specs in (self.constraints, self.objectives): specsets = [ spec for spec in specs if isinstance(spec, SpecificationSet) ] specs_in_sets = [ spec for specset in specsets for spec in specset.specifications.values() ] for specset in specsets: specs.remove(specset) specs.extend(specs_in_sets) # INITIALIZE THE CONSTRAINTS AND OBJECTIVES self.constraints = [ constraint.initialized_on_problem(self, role="constraint") for constraint in self.constraints ] self.objectives = [ objective.initialized_on_problem(self, role="objective") for objective in self.objectives ] # INITIALIZE THE "BEFORE" CLASS ATTRIBUTES, USED IN REPORTS self.sequence_before = self.sequence self._constraints_before = None self._objectives_before = None # INITIALIZE THE MUTATION SPACE if self.mutation_space is None: self.mutation_space = MutationSpace.from_optimization_problem(self) # If the original sequence is outside of the allowed mutations # space, replace the sequence by a sequence which complies with # the mutation space. self.sequence = self.mutation_space.constrain_sequence( self.sequence )
def _replace_sequence(self, new_sequence): """Replace the current sequence of the problem. This method is subclassed in CircularDnaOptimization problem where is is more complex (changing the sequence in one location changes it in more locations). """ self.sequence = new_sequence
[docs] def sequence_edits_as_array(self): """Return an array [False, False, True...] where True indicates an edit (i.e. a change at this position between the original problem sequence and the current one).""" return sequences_differences_array(self.sequence, self.sequence_before)
[docs] def number_of_edits(self): """Return the number of nucleotide differences between the original and current sequence.""" return self.sequence_edits_as_array().sum()
[docs] def optimize_with_report( self, target, project_name="My project", file_path=None, file_content=None, ): """Resolve constraints, optimize objectives, write a multi-file report. The report's content may vary depending on the optimization's success. Parameters ---------- target Either a path to a folder that will contain the report, or a path to a zip archive, or "@memory" to return raw data of a zip archive containing the report. project_name Project name to write on PDF reports Returns ------- (success, message, zip_data) Triplet where success is True/False, message is a one-line string summary indication whether some clash was found, or some solution, or maybe no solution was found because the random searches were too short """ self.logger(message="Solving constraints") try: self.resolve_constraints() except NoSolutionError as error: self.logger(message="No solution found: making report") data = write_no_solution_report( target, self, error, file_path=file_path, file_content=file_content, ) start, end, s = error.location.to_tuple() message = "No solution found in zone [%d, %d]: %s." % ( start, end, str(error), ) return False, message, data self.logger(message="Now optimizing the sequence") self.optimize() self.logger(message="Success! Generating report.") data = write_optimization_report( target, self, project_name=project_name, file_path=file_path, file_content=file_content, ) return True, "Optimization successful.", data