Built-in Specifications



Enforce various specifications for enabling primers at the location.


Enforce that the sequence has no BLAST matches with a given database.


Enforce that the sequence has no matches longer than N in a given index.


Specify that some locations of the sequence should not be changed.


Avoid Hairpin patterns as defined by the IDT guidelines.


Avoid that the (sub)sequence anneals with other primers.


Enforce that the given pattern is absent in the sequence.


Do not introduce any new stop codon in that frame.


Avoid the use of codons with low frequency.


Codon-optimize a coding sequence using a user-selected method.


Codon-optimize a coding sequence for a given species.


Codon-optimize a sequence so it has the same codon usage as a target.


Codon-Harmonize a native sequence for a new host (Claassens method).


Specification on the local or global proportion of G/C nucleotides.


Ensure that the subsequence’s Tm is in a certain segment/target.


Enforce a number of occurrences of the given pattern in the sequence.


Ensure that different subregions satisfy compatibility constraints.


Enforces a (possibly degenerate) sequence at some location.


Enforce a specific amino-acid sequence translation.


Checks that the sequence length is between bounds.


Avoid sub-sequence of length k with homologies elsewhere.

API Details


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.AllowPrimer(location=None, tmin=50, tmax=70, max_homology_length=6, avoid_heterodim_with=None, max_heterodim_tm=5, avoided_repeats=2, 5, 3, 4, 4, 3)[source]

Enforce various specifications for enabling primers at the location.

This is useful for making sure that you will be able to conduct a PCR or sanger sequencing with a primer annealing at a particular location of the sequence.

Shorthand for annotations: “primer”.


The exact location where the primer will anneal, i.e. the subsequence under this location will be the sequence

tmin, tmax

Minimum and maximum acceptable melting temperatures in Celcius, for instance 55 and 70. When the used as an optimization objective the “target” will be (tmin + tmax)/2.


Maximal length of any homology between the subsequence at that location and anywhere else in the whole sequence.


List of ATGC strings representing external (primer) sequences with which the optimised location should have no annealing.


Max melting temperature of the heterodimerization between this subsegment and the other sequences in “avoid_heterodim_with”


Properties of the repeated patterns avoided. List of pairs (K, N) meaning “avoid K-mers repeated N times in a row”.


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.EnforceMeltingTemperature(mini=None, maxi=None, target=None, location=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Ensure that the subsequence’s Tm is in a certain segment/target.

Shorthand for annotations: “tm”.

mini, maxi

Minimum and maximum acceptable melting temperatures in Celcius, for instance 55 and 70. A “target” can be provided instead when using this specification as an optimization objective.


Target melting temperature. Will be overridden by (mini+maxi)/2 if these are provided. The “target” parameter is only practical when the spec is used as an optimization objective.


Location of the subsequence whose melting temperature is considered. Can be None if the whole sequence is to be considered.


Multiplicator for this specification’s score when used in a multi-objective optimization.


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.AvoidMatches(match_length, bowtie_index=None, sequences=None, mismatches=0, location=None, boost=1)[source]

Enforce that the sequence has no matches longer than N in a given index.

This specification can be used to ensure that a sequence has no matches with a given organism, or a set of sequences, which can be useful to create orthogonal sequences or primer-friendly regions.

This specification uses Bowtie in the background and requires Bowtie installed on your machine (it can be as simple as apt install bowtie on Ubuntu).

It allows you to specify the match_length such that no subsegment of size match_length or more has any homology in the given bowtie index (which can be built from genomes using e.g. the genome_collector library). An homology can mean either perfect similarity, or up to 3 mismatches.


Path to a local bowtie2 index.


Length of the matches to avoid


Number of single-nucleotide mismatches allowed inside each match. Only 0-3 mismatches is supported (this is what Bowtie supports.)


Location of the sequence on which the specification applies


Here is how you automatically get a Bowtie index link with Genome Collector (it will build the index if it is not yet on your machine), and use the result to create an AvoidMatches specification:

>>> from genome_collector import GenomeCollection
>>> collection = GenomeCollection()
>>> e_coli = collection.get_taxid_bowtie_index_path(511145, version="1")
>>> spec = AvoidMatches(bowtie_index=e_coli, match_length=15, mismatches=1)


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.AvoidBlastMatches(blast_db=None, sequences=None, word_size=4, perc_identity=100, num_alignments=100000, num_threads=3, min_align_length=20, ungapped=True, e_value=1e+80, culling_limit=1, location=None)[source]

Enforce that the sequence has no BLAST matches with a given database.

WARNING: try using AvoidMatches instead, it is much better!!

Uses NCBI Blast+. Only local BLAST is supported/tested as for now


Path to a local BLAST database. These databases can be obtained with NCBI’s makeblastdb. Omit the extension, e.g. ecoli_db/ecoli_db.


Word size used by the BLAST algorithm


Minimal percentage of identity for BLAST matches. 100 means that only perfect matches are considered.


Number alignments


Number of threads/CPU cores to use for the BLAST algorithm.


Minimal length that an alignment should have to be considered.


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.AvoidChanges(max_edits=0, max_edits_percent=None, location=None, indices=None, target_sequence=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Specify that some locations of the sequence should not be changed.

Shorthand for annotations: “change”.


Location object indicating the position of the segment that must be left unchanged. Alternatively, indices can be provided. If neither is provided, the assumed location is the whole sequence.


List of indices that must be left unchanged.


At the moment, this is rather an internal variable. Do not use unless you’re not afraid of side effects.


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.AvoidHairpins(stem_size=20, hairpin_window=200, location=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Avoid Hairpin patterns as defined by the IDT guidelines.

A hairpin is defined by a sequence segment which has a reverse complement “nearby” in a given window.


Size of the stem of a hairpin, i.e. the length of the sequence which should have a reverse complement nearby to be considered a hairpin.


The window in which the stem’s reverse complement should be searched for.


Multiplicative factor, importance of this objective in a multi-objective optimization.


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.UniquifyAllKmers(k, reference=None, location=None, include_reverse_complement=True, boost=1.0, localization_data=None)[source]

Avoid sub-sequence of length k with homologies elsewhere.

NOTE: For sequences with subsequences appearing more than 2 times, the specification may not work as a problem constraint, but will work as a problem optimization objective.

You can define a location L and an reference L* (by default they are both the full sequence)

>>>          [=== L ===]
>>>       [=========== L* ==========]
>>> --------- Sequence --------------------------

This Specification class specifies that “No sub-sequence in L of length above k has more than 1 occurence in L*”.

Some specific cases

  • L = L* = Sequence. In this case the full sequence will have only unique kmers above a certain size (no self-homology).

  • L < L*, L* = Sequence. The segment L will have no self-homology and no homology to the rest of the sequence above a certain size. But there can be self-homologies elsewhere in the sequence.

  • L = L*. segment L will have no self-homology.


Minimal length of sequences to be considered repeats


The default None indicates that the specification’s location should have no homologies anywhere in the whole sequence. If reference=”here”, then the specification’s location should have no homology inside that same location. Reference can also be any location of the sequence that the specification’s location should have no homologies with.


Segment of the sequence in which to look for repeats. If None, repeats are searched in the full sequence.


If True, the sequence repeats are also searched for in the reverse complement of the sequence (or sub sequence if location is not None).


>>> from dnachisel import *
>>> sequence = random_dna_sequence(50000)
>>> constraint= UniquifyAllKmers(10, include_reverse_complement=True)
>>> problem = DnaOptimizationProblem(sequence, constraints= [constraint])
>>> print (problem.constraints_summary())


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.AvoidPattern(pattern=None, location=None, strand='from_location', boost=1.0)[source]

Enforce that the given pattern is absent in the sequence.

Shorthand for annotations: “no”.


A SequencePattern or DnaNotationPattern


Location of the DNA segment on which to enforce the pattern e.g. Location(10, 45, 1). For patterns which are not palindromic, the strand matters! Use +1 for eliminating the pattern on the +1 strand only, -1 for eliminating the pattern on the -1 strand, and 0 for eliminating the pattern on both strands. Default None enforces on the whole sequence.


Alternative way to set the strand, meant to be used in two cases only: (1) in a Genbank annotation by setting strand=both to indicate that the pattern should be avoided on both strands (otherwise, only the feature’s strand will be considered). (2) if you want to create a specification without preset location, but with a set strand: AvoidPattern('BsmBI_site', strand=1). The default ‘from_location’ uses the strand specified in location, or if that is None, it sets both strands.


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.AvoidStopCodons(genetic_table='Standard', location=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Do not introduce any new stop codon in that frame.

This can be used for research purposes, to avoid breaking a reading frame when editing it with quasi-synonymous mutations.


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.AvoidRareCodons(min_frequency, species=None, codon_usage_table=None, location=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Avoid the use of codons with low frequency.

This can be seen as a “mild” form of codon optimization where only rare codons (which slow down protein synthesis) are considered.

WARNING: Make sure to always use this specification with EnforceTranslation to preserve the amino-acid sequence.

Shorthand for annotations: “no_rare_codons”.


Minimal frequency accepted for a given codon.


Name or TaxID of the species for which to optimize the sequence. A custom codon_usage_table can be provided instead (or in addition, for species names whose codon usage table cannot be imported).


Optional codon usage table of the species for which the sequence will be codon-optimized, which can be provided instead of species. A dict of the form {'*': {"TGA": 0.112, "TAA": 0.68}, 'K': ...} giving the RSCU table (relative usage of each codon). See parameter species above.


Either a DnaChisel Location or a tuple of the form (start, end, strand) or just (start, end), with strand defaulting to +1, indicating the position of the gene to codon-optimize. If not provided, the whole sequence is considered as the gene. The location should have a length that is a multiple of 3. The location strand is either 1 if the gene is encoded on the (+) strand, or -1 for antisense.


Score multiplicator (=weight) for when the specification is used as an optimization objective alongside competing objectives.

Codon Optimization Specifications

dnachisel.builtin_specifications.CodonOptimize(species=None, method='use_best_codon', location=None, codon_usage_table=None, original_species=None, original_codon_usage_table=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Codon-optimize a coding sequence using a user-selected method.

This pseudo-specification is actually a function which returns an instance of another specification class depending on the selected “method”:

  • For method=”use_best_codon”, every codon will be replaced by the “best” (i.e. most frequent) synonymous codon in the target organism. This is equivalent to Codon Adaptation Index (CAI) optimization.

  • For method=”match_codon_usage”, the final sequence’s codon usage will match as much as possible the codon usage profile of the target species (this method is used throughout the literature, see for instance Hale and Thomson 1998).

  • For method=”harmonize_rca”, Each codon will be replaced by a synonymous codon whose usage in the target organism matches the usage of the original codon in its host organism (as per Claassens 2017).


Species for which the sequence will be codon-optimized. Either a TaxID (this requires a web connection as the corresponding table will be downloaded from the internet) or the name of the species to codon-optimize for (the name must be supported by python_codon_tables e.g. e_coli, s_cerevisiae, h_sapiens, c_elegans, b_subtilis, d_melanogaster). Note that a codon_usage_table can be provided instead, or even in addition, for species whose codon usage table cannot be auto-imported.


Either ‘use_best_codon’, ‘match_codon_usage’, or ‘harmonize_rca’ (see above for details)


Either a DnaChisel Location or a tuple of the form (start, end, strand) or just (start, end), with strand defaulting to +1, indicating the position of the gene to codon-optimize. If not provided, the whole sequence is considered as the gene. The location should have a length that is a multiple of 3. The location strand is either 1 if the gene is encoded on the (+) strand, or -1 for antisense.


Optional codon usage table of the species for which the sequence will be codon-optimized, which can be provided instead of species. A dict of the form {'*': {"TGA": 0.112, "TAA": 0.68}, 'K': ...} giving the RSCU table (relative usage of each codon). See parameter species above.


When the method is ‘harmonize_rca’, this is the native species of the original coding sequence. Same characteristics as parameter species above.


Optional codon usage table of the original sequence’s native species. A dict of the form {'*': {"TGA": 0.112, "TAA": 0.68}, 'K': ...} giving the codon usage table.


Claassens et. al., Improving heterologous membrane protein production in Escherichia coli by combining transcriptional tuning and codon usage algorithms. PLOS One, 2017

Hale and Thompson, Codon Optimization of the Gene Encoding a Domain from Human Type 1 Neurofibromin Protein… Protein Expression and Purification 1998.

class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.MaximizeCAI(species=None, location=None, codon_usage_table=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Codon-optimize a coding sequence for a given species. Maximizes the CAI.

To be precise, the score computed by this specification is N*log(CAI) where N is the number of codons. Maximizing this score also maximizes the CAI.

Index (CAI). For a sequence with N codons, the CAI is the geometric mean of the Relative Codon Adaptiveness (RCA) of the different codons. The RCA of a codon is (f_i/fmax_i) were fi is the frequency of an oligo in the codon usage table, and fmax is the maximal frequency of the synonymous codons.

So N*log(CAI) = sum_i ( log(f_i) - log(fmax_i) )

This score is between -inf. and 0 (0 meaning a perfectly optimal sequence).


Species for which the sequence will be codon-optimized. Either a TaxID (this requires a web connection as the corresponding table will be downloaded from the internet) or the name of the species to codon-optimize for (the name must be supported by python_codon_tables e.g. e_coli, s_cerevisiae, h_sapiens, c_elegans, b_subtilis, d_melanogaster). Note that a codon_usage_table can be provided instead, or even in addition, for species whose codon usage table cannot be auto-imported.


Either a DnaChisel Location or a tuple of the form (start, end, strand) or just (start, end), with strand defaulting to +1, indicating the position of the gene to codon-optimize. If not provided, the whole sequence is considered as the gene. The location should have a length that is a multiple of 3. The location strand is either 1 if the gene is encoded on the (+) strand, or -1 for antisense.


A dict of the form {'*': {"TGA": 0.112, "TAA": 0.68}, 'K': ...} giving the RSCU table (relative usage of each codon). Only provide if no species parameter was provided.


Score multiplicator (=weight) for when the specification is used as an optimization objective alongside competing objectives.


>>> objective = MaximizeCAI(
>>>     species = "E. coli",
>>>     location = (150, 300), # coordinates of a gene
>>>     strand = -1
>>> )
class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.MatchTargetCodonUsage(species=None, location=None, codon_usage_table=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Codon-optimize a sequence so it has the same codon usage as a target.

The objective minimized here is the sum of the discrepancies, over every possible triplet ATG, CCG, etc. between the codon frequency of this triplet in the sequence, and its frequency in the target organism.

This method has had several names through the ages. It may have been first proposed by Hale and Thompson, 1998. It is called Individual Codon Usage Optimization in Chung 2012, Global CAI Harmonization in Mignon 2018, and Codon Harmonization in Jayaral 2005. We didn’t call it “harmonization” in DNA Chisel to avoid any confusion with the now more common host-to-target codon harmonization. See DnaChisel’s HarmonizeRCA class for Codon Harmonization.


Species for which the sequence will be codon-optimized. Either a TaxID (this requires a web connection as the corresponding table will be downloaded from the internet) or the name of the species to codon-optimize for (the name must be supported by python_codon_tables e.g. e_coli, s_cerevisiae, h_sapiens, c_elegans, b_subtilis, d_melanogaster). Note that a codon_usage_table can be provided instead, or even in addition, for species whose codon usage table cannot be auto-imported.


Either a DnaChisel Location or a tuple of the form (start, end, strand) or just (start, end), with strand defaulting to +1, indicating the position of the gene to codon-optimize. If not provided, the whole sequence is considered as the gene. The location should have a length that is a multiple of 3. The location strand is either 1 if the gene is encoded on the (+) strand, or -1 for antisense.


A dict of the form {'*': {"TGA": 0.112, "TAA": 0.68}, 'K': ...} giving the RSCU table (relative usage of each codon). Only provide if no species parameter was provided.


Score multiplicator (=weight) for when the specification is used as an optimization objective alongside competing objectives.


Hale and Thompson, Codon Optimization of the Gene Encoding a Domain from Human Type 1 Neurofibromin Protein… Protein Expression and Purification 1998.

Jayaraj et. al. GeMS: an advanced software package for designing synthetic genes, Nucleic Acids Research, 2005

Mignon et. al. Codon harmonization – going beyond the speed limit for protein expression. FEBS Lett, 2018

Chung BK, Lee DY. Computational codon optimization of synthetic gene for protein expression. BMC Syst Biol. 2012

class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.HarmonizeRCA(species=None, codon_usage_table=None, original_species=None, original_codon_usage_table=None, location=None, boost=1)[source]

Codon-Harmonize a native sequence for a new host (Claassens method).

This specification will optimize a Sequence 1 from Host 1 into a Sequence 2 for target Host 2.

In simple, rare Host 1 codons will be replaced by rare Host 2 codons, and high-frequency Host 1 codons will get replaced by codons that are high-frequency in Host 2.

In more specific, each codon along Sequence 1 gets replaced by the codon whose Relative Codon Adaptiveness (RCA) in Host 2 is the closest from the RCA of the original codon in Host 1. A codon’s RCA in a given organism is defined by f/fmax where f is the codon’s frequency in the organism and fmax is the highest frequency of all synonymous codons.

The minimized quantity is sum_i abs(RCA(c_i, H1) - RCA(c’_i, H2)) where c_i, c’_i represent the i-th codon before and after optimization

This method is taken from Claassens 2017, where they simplify a previous algorithm (Angov 2008), which was much more complicated as it involved predicting “ribosome pausing” sites in the sequence.

Warning: always use with an EnforceTranslation constraint.


Name or TaxID of the species for which to optimize the sequence. A custom codon_usage_table can be provided instead (or in addition, for species names whose codon usage table cannot be imported).


Optional - can be provided instead of species. A dict of the form {'*': {"TGA": 0.112, "TAA": 0.68}, 'K': ...} giving the RSCU table (relative usage of each codon).


Name or TaxID of the species the original sequence was taken from. This information will be used to spot codons which are supposed to be rare or common. A codon_usage_table can be provided instead (or in addition, for species names whose codon usage table cannot be imported).


A dict of the form {'*': {"TGA": 0.112, "TAA": 0.68}, 'K': ...} giving the RSCU table (relative usage of each codon).


Location on which the specification applies


Score multiplicator (=weight) for when the specification is used as an optimization objective alongside competing objectives.


Claassens et. al., Improving heterologous membrane protein production in Escherichia coli by combining transcriptional tuning and codon usage algorithms. PLOS One, 2017


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.EnforceGCContent(mini=0, maxi=1.0, target=None, window=None, location=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Specification on the local or global proportion of G/C nucleotides.

Shorthand for annotations: “gc”.


Minimal proportion of G-C (e.g. 0.35)


Maximal proportion of G-C (e.g. 0.75)


Target proportion of GC (e.g. 0.4), which can be used instead of mini and maxi when using the specification as an optimization objective.


Length of the sliding window, in nucleotides, for local GC content. If not provided, the global GC content of the whole sequence is considered


Location objet indicating that the Specification only applies to a subsegment of the sequence. Make sure it is bigger than window if both parameters are provided


>>> # Enforce global GC content between 40 and 70 percent.
>>> Specification = GCContentSpecification(0.4, 0.7)
>>> # Enforce 30-80 percent local GC content over 50-nucleotides windows
>>> Specification = GCContentSpecification(0.3, 0.8, window=50)


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.EnforcePatternOccurence(pattern=None, occurences=1, location=None, strand='from_location', center=True, boost=1.0)[source]

Enforce a number of occurrences of the given pattern in the sequence.

Shorthand for annotations: “insert” (although this specification can be used to both insert new occurences of a pattern, or destroy supernumerary patterns)


A SequencePattern or DnaNotationPattern or a string such as “AATTG”, “BsmBI_site”, etc.


Desired number of occurrences of the pattern.


Location of the DNA segment on which to enforce the pattern e.g. Location(10, 45, 1). Default None means the whole sequence.


If True, new inserted patterns will prioritize locations at the center of the specification’s location. Else the insertion will happen at the beginning of the location.


Alternative way to set the strand, meant to be used in two cases only: (1) in a Genbank annotation by setting strand='both' to indicate that the pattern could be on both strands (otherwise, only the feature’s strand will be considered). (2) if you want to create a specification without preset location, but with a set strand: EnforcePatternOccurence('BsmBI_site', strand=1). The default ‘from_location’ uses the strand specified in location, or if that is None, it sets both strands.


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.EnforceRegionsCompatibility(locations, compatibility_condition, condition_label='', boost=1.0)[source]

Ensure that different subregions satisfy compatibility constraints.


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.EnforceSequence(sequence=None, location=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Enforces a (possibly degenerate) sequence at some location.

Shorthand for annotations: “sequence”.


An ATGC string representing the wanted sequence, possibly degenerated, for instance ATTCGCGTYTTKWNAA


Location of the DNA segment on which to enforce the pattern e.g. Location(10, 45, 1) or simply (10, 45, 1)


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.EnforceTranslation(genetic_table='default', start_codon=None, translation=None, location=None, boost=1.0)[source]

Enforce a specific amino-acid sequence translation.

This class enforces the standard translation, but it is also possible to change the class’ codons_sequences and codons_translations dictionaries for more exotic kind of translations

Shorthand for annotations: “cds”.


Either a DnaChisel Location or a tuple of the form (start, end, strand) or just (start, end), with strand defaulting to +1, indicating the position of the gene to codon-optimize. If not provided, the whole sequence is considered as the gene. The location should have a length that is a multiple of 3. The location strand is either 1 if the gene is encoded on the (+) strand, or -1 for antisense.


Either “Standard”, “Bacterial”, or any other Biopython genetic table name (see dnachisel.biotools.CODON_TABLE_NAMES for a list of accepted names).


Signals that the first codon is a start codon and provides a policy for changing it. It is very important that this parameter be set when dealing with full coding sequences in organisms with different start codons, e.g. GTG in bacteria. If it is not set, then a GTG (start codon or Valine) could be changed into GTA (also valine but NOT a start codon). Can be False (the first codon is not considered a start codon, but can still naturally code for methionine), keep (freezes the original sub-sequence at this location, or a codon e.g. ATG or GTG or ["ATG", "GTG"].


String representing the protein sequence that the DNA segment should translate to, eg. “MKY…LL*” (“*” stands for stop codon). Can be omitted if the sequence initially encodes the right sequence.


Score multiplicator (=weight) for when the specification is used as an optimization objective alongside competing objectives.


class dnachisel.builtin_specifications.SequenceLengthBounds(min_length=0, max_length=None)[source]

Checks that the sequence length is between bounds.

Quite an uncommon specification as it can’t really be solved or optimized. But practical as part of a list of constraints to verify.


Minimal allowed sequence length in nucleotides


Maximal allowed sequence length in nucleotides. None means no bound.