Source code for dnachisel.builtin_specifications.EnforcePatternOccurence

"""Implement EnforcePatternOccurence"""

from ..MutationSpace import MutationSpace
from ..SequencePattern import SequencePattern, DnaNotationPattern
from ..Location import Location
from ..biotools import reverse_complement
from ..DnaOptimizationProblem.DnaOptimizationProblem import DnaOptimizationProblem
from ..DnaOptimizationProblem.NoSolutionError import NoSolutionError
from ..Specification import Specification, SpecEvaluation

from .EnforceSequence import EnforceSequence

[docs]class EnforcePatternOccurence(Specification): """Enforce a number of occurrences of the given pattern in the sequence. Shorthand for annotations: "insert" (although this specification can be used to both insert new occurences of a pattern, or destroy supernumerary patterns) Parameters ---------- pattern A SequencePattern or DnaNotationPattern or a string such as "AATTG", "BsmBI_site", etc. occurences Desired number of occurrences of the pattern. location Location of the DNA segment on which to enforce the pattern e.g. ``Location(10, 45, 1)``. Default ``None`` means the whole sequence. center If True, new inserted patterns will prioritize locations at the center of the specification's location. Else the insertion will happen at the beginning of the location. strand Alternative way to set the strand, meant to be used in two cases only: (1) in a Genbank annotation by setting ``strand='both'`` to indicate that the pattern could be on both strands (otherwise, only the feature's strand will be considered). (2) if you want to create a specification without preset location, but with a set strand: ``EnforcePatternOccurence('BsmBI_site', strand=1)``. The default 'from_location' uses the strand specified in ``location``, or if that is ``None``, it sets both strands. """ best_possible_score = 0 priority = -1 shorthand_name = "insert" def __init__( self, pattern=None, occurences=1, location=None, strand="from_location", center=True, boost=1.0, ): """Initialize.""" if isinstance(pattern, str): pattern = SequencePattern.from_string(pattern) self.pattern = pattern self.location = Location.from_data(location) if strand == "from_location": if self.location is None: self.strand = 0 else: self.strand = self.location.strand elif strand == "both": self.strand = 0 elif strand in [-1, 0, 1]: self.strand = strand else: raise ValueError("unknown strand: %s" % strand) self.occurences = occurences = center self.boost = boost def initialized_on_problem(self, problem, role=None): copy_of_constraint = self._copy_with_full_span_if_no_location(problem) copy_of_constraint.location.strand = self.strand return copy_of_constraint def evaluate(self, problem): """Score the difference between expected and observed n_occurences.""" matches = self.pattern.find_matches(problem.sequence, self.location,) score = -abs(len(matches) - self.occurences) if score == 0: message = "Passed. Pattern found at positions %s" % matches else: if self.occurences == 0: message = "Failed. Pattern not found." else: message = ( "Failed. Pattern found %d times instead of %d" " wanted, at locations %s" ) % (len(matches), self.occurences, matches) return SpecEvaluation( self, problem, score, message=message, locations=[self.location], data=dict(matches=matches), ) def localized(self, location, problem=None): """Localize the evaluation.""" new_location = self.location.overlap_region(location) if new_location is None: return None # VoidSpecification(parent_specification=self) else: return self def insert_pattern_in_problem(self, problem, reverse=False): """Insert the pattern in the problem's sequence by successive tries. This heuristic is attempted to get the number of occurrences in the pattern from 0 to some number. """ sequence_to_insert = self.pattern.sequence if reverse: sequence_to_insert = reverse_complement(sequence_to_insert) L = self.pattern.size starts = range(self.location.start, self.location.end - L) if center = 0.5 * (self.location.start + self.location.end) starts = sorted(starts, key=lambda s: abs(s - center)) for start in starts: new_location = Location(start, start + L, self.location.strand) new_constraint = EnforceSequence( sequence=sequence_to_insert, location=new_location ) new_space = MutationSpace.from_optimization_problem( problem, new_constraints=[new_constraint] ) if len(new_space.unsolvable_segments) > 0: continue new_sequence = new_space.constrain_sequence(problem.sequence) new_constraints = problem.constraints + [new_constraint] new_problem = DnaOptimizationProblem( sequence=new_sequence, constraints=new_constraints, mutation_space=new_space, logger=None, ) if self.evaluate(new_problem).passes: try: new_problem.resolve_constraints() problem.sequence = new_problem.sequence return except NoSolutionError: pass if (not reverse) and (not self.pattern.is_palyndromic): self.insert_pattern_in_problem(problem, reverse=True) return raise NoSolutionError( problem=problem, location=self.location, message="Insertion of pattern %s in %s failed" % (self.pattern.sequence, self.location), ) def resolution_heuristic(self, problem): """Resolve using custom insertion if possible.""" if isinstance(self.pattern, DnaNotationPattern): evaluation = self.evaluate(problem) if evaluation.passes: return n_matches = len(["matches"]) if n_matches < self.occurences: other_constraints = [c for c in problem.constraints if c is not self] new_problem = problem for i in range(self.occurences - n_matches): new_occurence_cst = self.copy_with_changes( occurences=n_matches + i + 1 ) new_problem = DnaOptimizationProblem( sequence=new_problem.sequence, constraints=other_constraints + [new_occurence_cst], mutation_space=problem.mutation_space, ) new_occurence_cst.insert_pattern_in_problem(new_problem) problem.sequence = new_problem.sequence return problem.resolve_constraints_locally() # default resolution method def label_parameters(self): # result = [('enzyme', self.enzyme) if (self.enzyme is not None) # else (self.pattern.sequence # if hasattr(self.pattern, 'sequence') # else str(self.pattern))] result = [str(self.pattern)] if self.occurences != 1: result += ["occurence", str(self.occurences)] return result