Source code for dnachisel.builtin_specifications.codon_optimization.AvoidRareCodons

"Implement AvoidRareCodons."

from ...Specification import SpecEvaluation
from ...biotools import reverse_complement
from .BaseCodonOptimizationClass import BaseCodonOptimizationClass

[docs]class AvoidRareCodons(BaseCodonOptimizationClass): """Avoid the use of codons with low frequency. This can be seen as a "mild" form of codon optimization where only rare codons (which slow down protein synthesis) are considered. WARNING: Make sure to always use this specification with EnforceTranslation to preserve the amino-acid sequence. Shorthand for annotations: "no_rare_codons". Parameters ----------- min_frequency Minimal frequency accepted for a given codon. species Name or TaxID of the species for which to optimize the sequence. A custom codon_usage_table can be provided instead (or in addition, for species names whose codon usage table cannot be imported). codon_usage_table Optional codon usage table of the species for which the sequence will be codon-optimized, which can be provided instead of ``species``. A dict of the form ``{'*': {"TGA": 0.112, "TAA": 0.68}, 'K': ...}`` giving the RSCU table (relative usage of each codon). See parameter ``species`` above. location Either a DnaChisel Location or a tuple of the form (start, end, strand) or just (start, end), with strand defaulting to +1, indicating the position of the gene to codon-optimize. If not provided, the whole sequence is considered as the gene. The location should have a length that is a multiple of 3. The location strand is either 1 if the gene is encoded on the (+) strand, or -1 for antisense. boost Score multiplicator (=weight) for when the specification is used as an optimization objective alongside competing objectives. """ best_possible_score = 0 enforced_by_nucleotide_restrictions = True shorthand_name = "no_rare_codons" def __init__( self, min_frequency, species=None, codon_usage_table=None, location=None, boost=1.0, ): """Initialize.""" BaseCodonOptimizationClass.__init__( self, species=species, codon_usage_table=codon_usage_table, location=location, boost=boost, ) self.min_frequency = min_frequency self.codons_frequencies = { codon: freq for aa, aa_data in self.codon_usage_table.items() if len(aa) == 1 for codon, freq in aa_data.items() } self.rare_codons = sorted( [ codon for codon, frequency in self.codons_frequencies.items() if frequency < min_frequency ] ) self.nonrare_codons = sorted( [ codon for codon, frequency in self.codons_frequencies.items() if frequency >= min_frequency ] ) def evaluate(self, problem): """Score is the sum of (freq - min_frequency) for all rare codons.""" # Note: this method is actually very little used as this specification # class sets the enforced_by_nucleotide_restrictions attribute. codons = self.get_codons(problem) rare_codons_indices = [ i for i, codon in enumerate(codons) if codon in self.rare_codons ] locations = self.codons_indices_to_locations(rare_codons_indices) score = ( 0 if (len(locations) == 0) else sum( (self.codons_frequencies[codons[i]] - self.min_frequency) for i in rare_codons_indices ) ) return SpecEvaluation( self, problem, score=score, locations=locations, message="All OK." if len(locations) == 0 else "Rare codons at locations %s" % locations, ) def restrict_nucleotides(self, sequence, location=None): nonrare_codons = list(self.nonrare_codons) if self.location.strand == -1: nonrare_codons = sorted( [reverse_complement(c) for c in nonrare_codons] ) return [ ((i, i + 3), nonrare_codons) for i in range(self.location.start, self.location.end, 3) ] def _params_string(self): """Parameters representation used in __repr__, __str__, etc.""" return "%d%%, %s" % (100 * self.min_frequency, str(self.species)) def __repr__(self): return "AvoidRareCodons(%s)" % self._params_string() def __str__(self): return "AvoidRareCodons(%s)" % self._params_string() def short_label(self): return "no_rare_codons(%s)" % self._params_string()