Source code for dnachisel.Specification.Specification

"""Base class for specification.

Notable features implemented here:

- Many empty methods that features subclass will overwrite
- Feature import/export from/to Genbank features.
import copy
from ..Location import Location
from .FeatureRepresentationMixin import FeatureRepresentationMixin

[docs]class Specification(FeatureRepresentationMixin): """General class to define specifications to optimize. Note that all specifications have a ``boost`` attribute that is a multiplicator that will be used when computing the global specification score of a problem with ``problem.all_objectives_score()``. New types of specifications are defined by subclassing ``Specification`` and providing a custom ``evaluate`` and ``localized`` methods. Parameters ----------- evaluate function (sequence) => SpecEvaluation boost Relative importance of the Specification's score in a multi-specification problem. Attributes ---------- best_possible_score Best score that the specification can achieve. Used by the optimization algorithm to understand when no more optimization is required. optimize_passively (boolean) Indicates that there should not be a pass of the optimization algorithm to optimize this objective. Instead, this objective is simply taken into account when optimizing other objectives. enforced_by_nucleotide_restrictions (boolean) When the spec is used as a constraints, this indicates that the constraint will initially restrict the mutation space in a way that ensures that the constraint will always be valid. The constraint does not need to be evaluated again, which speeds up the resolution algorithm. priority Value used to sort the specifications and solve/optimize them in order, with highest priority first. shorthand_name Shorter name for the specification class that will be recognized when parsing annotations from genbanks. """ best_possible_score = None optimize_passively = False enforced_by_nucleotide_restrictions = False priority = 0 shorthand_name = None is_focus = False def __init__(self, evaluate=None, boost=1.0): """Initialize.""" self.boost = boost if evaluate is not None: self.evaluate = evaluate
[docs] def localized(self, location, problem=None): """Return a modified version of the specification for the case where sequence modifications are only performed inside the provided location. For instance if an specification concerns local GC content, and we are only making local mutations to destroy a restriction site, then we only need to check the local GC content around the restriction site after each mutation (and not compute it for the whole sequence), so ``EnforceGCContent.localized(location)`` will return an specification that only looks for GC content around the provided location. If an specification concerns a DNA segment that is completely disjoint from the provided location, this must return None. Must return an object of class ``Constraint``. """ return self
[docs] def copy_with_changes(self, **kwargs): """Return a copy of the Specification with modified properties. For instance ``new_spec = spec.copy_with_changes(boost=10)``. """ new_specification = copy.copy(self) new_specification.__dict__.update(kwargs) return new_specification
[docs] def shifted(self, shift): """Shift the location of the specification. Some specification classes may have a special method to do side effects when shifting the location. Location shifting is used in particular when solving circular DNA optimization problems. """ new_location = None if self.location is None else self.location + shift return self.copy_with_changes(location=new_location, derived_from=self)
[docs] def initialized_on_problem(self, problem, role="constraint"): """Complete specification initialization when the sequence gets known. Some specifications like to know what their role is and on which sequence they are employed before they complete some values. """ return self
[docs] def label( self, role=None, with_location=True, assignment_symbol=":", use_short_form=False, use_breach_form=False ): """Return a string label for this specification. Parameters ---------- role Either 'constraint' or 'objective' (for prefixing the label with @ or ~), or None. with_location If true, the location will appear in the label. assignment_symbol Indicates whether to use ":" or "=" or anything else when indicating parameters values. use_short_form If True, the label will use self.short_label(), so for instance AvoidPattern(BsmBI_site) will become "no BsmBI". How this is handled is dependent on the specification. """ prefix = {"constraint": "@", "objective": "~", None: ""}[role] if use_short_form: label = self.short_label() if with_location: label += ", %s" % self.location return prefix + label if use_breach_form: label = self.breach_label() if with_location: label += ", %s" % self.location return label if with_location and hasattr(self, "location") and self.location: location = "[%s]" % self.location else: location = "" params = self.label_parameters() if params == []: params = "" else: params = "(%s)" % ", ".join( [ assignment_symbol.join(map(str, p)) if isinstance(p, tuple) else str(p) for p in params ] ) return "".join([prefix, self.__class__.__name__, location, params])
[docs] def short_label(self): """Shorter, less precise label to be used in tables, reports, etc. This is meant for specifications such as EnforceGCContent(0.4, 0.6) to be represented as '40-60% GC' in reports tables etc.. """ return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def breach_label(self): """Shorter, less precise label to be used in tables, reports, etc. This is meant for specifications such as EnforceGCContent(0.4, 0.6) to be represented as '40-60% GC' in reports tables etc.. """ return "'%s' breach" % (self.short_label())
[docs] def label_parameters(self): """In subclasses, returns a list of the creation parameters. For instance [('pattern', 'ATT'), ('occurences', 2)] """ return []
def __str__(self): """By default, represent the Specification using its label()""" return self.label() def __repr__(self): """By default, represent the Specification using its label()""" return self.label()
[docs] def restrict_nucleotides(self, sequence, location=None): """Restrict the mutation space to speed up optimization. This method only kicks in when this specification is used as a constraint. By default it does nothing, but subclasses such as EnforceTranslation, AvoidChanges, EnforceSequence, etc. have custom methods. In the code, this method is run during the initialize() step of DNAOptimizationProblem, when the MutationSpace is created for each constraint """ return []
[docs] def as_passive_objective(self): """Return a copy with optimize_passively set to true. "Optimize passively" means that when the specification is used as an objective, the solver will not do a specific pass to optimize this specification, however this specification's score will be taken into account in the global score when optimizing other objectives, and may therefore influence the final sequence. """ return self.copy_with_changes(optimize_passively=True)
def _copy_with_full_span_if_no_location(self, problem): """Return either self, or a copy with location "everywhere". And by "everywhere" we mean Location(0, L) where L is the problem's sequence length. Most Specifications use this method in their "initialized_on_problem()" custom method. """ if self.location is None: location = Location(0, len(problem.sequence)) return self.copy_with_changes(location=location) else: return self