Source code for dnachisel.biotools.genbank_operations

"""Generic methods for reading/modifying Genbank/Biopython records"""

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature, FeatureLocation
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord

    # Biopython <1.78
    from Bio.Alphabet import DNAAlphabet

    has_dna_alphabet = True
except ImportError:
    # Biopython >=1.78
    has_dna_alphabet = False
from Bio import SeqIO

    from snapgene_reader import snapgene_file_to_seqrecord
except ImportError:

    def snapgene_file_to_seqrecord(*a, **k):
        """Please install the snapgene_reader library to use this function."""
        raise ImportError(
            "Please install snapgene_reader to import Snapgene .dna files"

[docs]def load_record(filepath, linear=True, name="unnamed", file_format="auto"): """Load a FASTA/Genbank/Snapgene record. Note that reading Snapgene records requires the library snapgene_reader installed. """ if file_format != "auto": record =, file_format) elif filepath.lower().endswith(("gb", "gbk")): record =, "genbank") elif filepath.lower().endswith(("fa", "fasta")): record =, "fasta") elif filepath.lower().endswith(".dna"): record = snapgene_file_to_seqrecord(filepath) else: raise ValueError("Unknown format for file: %s" % filepath) record.linear = linear if name != "unnamed": = name = name.replace(" ", "_")[:20] return record
[docs]def annotate_record( seqrecord, location="full", feature_type="misc_feature", margin=0, **qualifiers ): """Add a feature to a Biopython SeqRecord. Parameters ---------- seqrecord The biopython seqrecord to be annotated. location Either (start, end) or (start, end, strand). (strand defaults to +1). feature_type The type associated with the feature. margin Number of extra bases added on each side of the given location. qualifiers Dictionary that will be the Biopython feature's `qualifiers` attribute. """ if location == "full": location = (margin, len(seqrecord) - margin) strand = location[2] if len(location) == 3 else 1 seqrecord.features.append( SeqFeature( FeatureLocation(location[0], location[1], strand), qualifiers=qualifiers, type=feature_type, ) )
[docs]def annotate_differences(record, reference, feature_type="misc_feature", prefix="#"): """Annotate differences between two records in a new record. Returns a version of SeqRecord ``record`` where differences with the references are annotated as new features. Parameters ---------- record The SeqRecord to be compared to the reference. reference The reference SeqRecord. Must be the same size as ``reference``. feature_type The type of the features added to mark differences. prefix Each new feature will be labeled "po" where p is the prefix and o the original sequence at the feature's location. For instance "#A" or "#TT". """ seq1 = str(record.seq) seq2 = str(reference.seq) indices_diff = ( np.frombuffer(seq1.encode(), dtype="uint8") - np.frombuffer(seq2.encode(), dtype="uint8") ).nonzero()[0] indices_diff = [int(e) for e in indices_diff] locations = [[indices_diff[0], indices_diff[0]]] for ind in indices_diff[1:]: if ind - locations[-1][-1] == 1: locations[-1][-1] = ind else: locations.append([ind, ind]) new_record = deepcopy(record) for (start, end) in locations: annotate_record( new_record, location=(start, end + 1), feature_type=feature_type, label=prefix + seq2[start : end + 1], ) return new_record
[docs]def annotate_pattern_occurrences( record, pattern, feature_type="misc_feature", prefix="!" ): """Return a new record annotated w. all occurences of pattern in sequence. Parameters ----------- record A Biopython record. pattern A DnaChisel SequencePattern object (such as DnaPAttern). feature_type Type of the annotations in the returned record. """ new_record = deepcopy(record) label = prefix + str(pattern) for location in pattern.find_matches(str(record.seq)): annotate_record( new_record, location=(location.start, location.end), feature_type=feature_type, label=label, ) return new_record
[docs]def change_biopython_record_sequence(record, new_seq): """Return a version of the record with the sequence set to new_seq.""" new_record = deepcopy(record) if has_dna_alphabet: seq = Seq(new_seq, alphabet=DNAAlphabet()) else: seq = Seq(new_seq) new_record.seq = seq return new_record
[docs]def sequence_to_biopython_record( sequence, id="<unknown id>", name="<unknown name>", features=() ): """Return a SeqRecord of the sequence, ready to be Genbanked.""" if has_dna_alphabet: seq = Seq(sequence, alphabet=DNAAlphabet()) else: seq = Seq(sequence) return SeqRecord( seq=seq, id=id, name=name, features=list(features), annotations={"molecule_type": "DNA"}, )
[docs]def find_specification_label_in_feature(feature): """Analyse a Biopython feature to find a DnaChisel Specification in it. The specification should start with either "@" or "~", in the feature's field "label" or "note". """ for labelfield in ["label", "note"]: if labelfield not in feature.qualifiers: continue potential_label = feature.qualifiers.get(labelfield, "_") if isinstance(potential_label, list): potential_label = potential_label[0] if (potential_label != "") and (potential_label[0] in "@~"): return potential_label return None
[docs]def write_record( record, target, file_format="genbank", remove_locationless_features=True, max_name_length=20, ): """Write a record as genbank, fasta, etc. via Biopython, with fixes. Parameters ---------- record A biopython record. target Path to a file or filelike object. file_format Format, either Genbank or fasta. remove_locationless_features If True, will remove all features whose location is None, to avoid a Biopython bug max_name_length The record's name will be truncated if longer than this (also here to avoid a Biopython bug). """ record = deepcopy(record) if remove_locationless_features: record.features = [f for f in record.features if f.location is not None] =[:max_name_length] if has_dna_alphabet: if str(record.seq.alphabet.__class__.__name__) != "DNAAlphabet": record.seq.alphabet = DNAAlphabet() if hasattr(target, "open"): target ="w") SeqIO.write(record, target, file_format)