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Factory(String, String, String) - Constructor for class nxt.db.DbKey.Factory
FasterTime(int, int) - Constructor for class nxt.util.Time.FasterTime
FEATURE_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in class nxt.http.JSONResponses
Fee - Interface in nxt
Fee.ConstantFee - Class in nxt
Fee.SizeBasedFee - Class in nxt
FEEDBACK - nxt.DigitalGoodsStore.Event
FEEDBACK - Static variable in class nxt.TransactionType.DigitalGoods
FileData(Part) - Constructor for class nxt.http.ParameterParser.FileData
Filter<T> - Interface in nxt.util
FilteredConnection - Class in nxt.db
Wrapper for a SQL Connection The wrapper forwards all methods to the wrapped connection.
FilteredConnection(Connection, FilteredFactory) - Constructor for class nxt.db.FilteredConnection
FilteredFactory - Interface in nxt.db
Create Statement and PrepareStatement for use with FilteredConnection
FilteredPreparedStatement - Class in nxt.db
Wrapper for a SQL PreparedStatement The wrapper forwards all methods to the wrapped prepared statement
FilteredPreparedStatement(PreparedStatement, String) - Constructor for class nxt.db.FilteredPreparedStatement
FilteredStatement - Class in nxt.db
Wrapper for a SQL Statement The wrapper forwards all methods to the wrapped statement
FilteredStatement(Statement) - Constructor for class nxt.db.FilteredStatement
FilteringIterator<T> - Class in nxt.db
FilteringIterator(DbIterator<T>, int, int) - Constructor for class nxt.db.FilteringIterator
FilteringIterator(DbIterator<T>, Filter<T>) - Constructor for class nxt.db.FilteringIterator
FilteringIterator(DbIterator<T>, Filter<T>, int, int) - Constructor for class nxt.db.FilteringIterator
findOrCreatePeer(String, boolean) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Peers
findTransactionType(byte, byte) - Static method in class nxt.TransactionType
fire(Connection, Object[], Object[]) - Method in class nxt.db.FullTextTrigger
Trigger has fired (Trigger interface)
FixedClause(String) - Constructor for class nxt.db.DbClause.FixedClause
flush() - Method in class nxt.util.MemoryHandler
Flush the ring buffer
FORGING - nxt.http.APITag
FORGING_DELAY - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
FORGING_SPEEDUP - Static variable in class nxt.Constants
FORK - nxt.peer.Peer.BlockchainState
format(LogRecord) - Method in class nxt.util.BriefLogFormatter
Format the log record as follows: Date Level Message ExceptionTrace
formatDate(int) - Static method in class nxt.peer.Hallmark
fromCode(int) - Static method in enum nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerEvent
Get the event from the event code
fromCode(int) - Static method in enum nxt.AccountLedger.LedgerHolding
Get the holding from the holding code
fromDisplayName(String) - Static method in enum nxt.http.APITag
fromEpochTime(int) - Static method in class nxt.util.Convert
fromName(String) - Static method in enum nxt.http.APIEnum
FULL_HASH_TO_ID - nxt.http.APIEnum
FULL_RESET - nxt.http.APIEnum
fullHashToId(byte[]) - Static method in class nxt.util.Convert
FullHashToId - Class in nxt.http
fullReset() - Method in interface nxt.BlockchainProcessor
FullReset - Class in nxt.http
fullScanWithShutdown() - Method in interface nxt.BlockchainProcessor
FullTextTrigger - Class in nxt.db
FullTextTrigger provides Lucene search support.
FullTextTrigger() - Constructor for class nxt.db.FullTextTrigger
FundingMonitor - Class in nxt
Monitor account balances based on account properties
FundingMonitor.MonitoredAccount - Class in nxt
Monitored account
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