[The references are far from being exhaustive; but with the help of the footnotes to the translation they may be of use.]
(a) Persons. (b) Places. (c) Fauna. (d) Flora. (e) Minerals. (f) Astronomy. (g) Religion. (h) Islam. (i) Superstitions and Customs. (j) Social Relations--Ethics. (k) Numbers. (l) Coins and Weights. (m) Games and Sports. (n) Military and Naval. (o) Public Works, etc. (p) Music.
Abdul Mesia, 1576
Asmat’h, 254, 320, 501, 633, 642, 1330-1336, 1365, 1427, 1560
Avt’handil, 40, etc.
Beelzebub, 337; a lexicon of A.D. 1210 gives "she-devil" as the meaning of Belzebeli (v. "T’hemi," No. 46 of 1911).
Boreas, 1432
Caen (Caisi), 1316
Chachnagiri (the), 1183, etc.
Cronos, 1391
David of Israel, 1574
David Soslan, 1573
Dilarget’h, 1576
Dionysius the Areopagite, 176, 1468
Goliath, 1511
Khvarazmsha, 495, 497, 509, 546
Levi the Jew, 797
Mahmad, 1010
Melik Surkhavi, 1043
Mose Khoneli, 1576
Nestan-Daredjan, 316, etc.
Nuradin, v. P’hridon
P’hatman, 1049, 1054-1056, 1058, 1067, 1074, 1076, 1078, 1275, 1287-1288, 1302, 1403, 1405, 1409, 1419
P’hridon (Nuradin), 583, 605, 1290, 1351, etc.
Plato, 770
Ramaz, 387, 406, 411, 423, 441-442, 453, 457
Rodia, 1199
Roshak, 1200-1201, 1207, 1210, 1213
Rostom, 192
Salaman, 1316
Samal,? 690
Sargis T’hmogveli, 1576
Saridan, 302
Satan, 2, 768, (786), 854, 1191 (? 690) Shavt’heli, 1576
Taria, 334, 1384, 1387, 1459-60, 1467
Tariel, 6, 7, 254, 279, 1313, 1385, etc.
Usen, 1046, 1054, 1130, 1132-1133,1139, 1141-1146, 1148, 1150-1151, 1302, 1407
Arabia, 29, 32, 279, 947a, 1250, 1478
Athens, 676
Bagdad, 1010
Cathay, 196, 364, 444, 456, 712, 976
China, 834
Eden, 50, 77, 299, 311, 321, 461, 506, 676, 697, 707
Euphrates, 676
Gibeon, 320
Gihon, 731
Greece, 947a
India, 301, 406, 521, 548, 550, 947a, 1283, 1559, 1567
Kadjet’hi, 190, 282, 559, 1198, 1220, 1223-1227, 1245-1246, 1263, 1276, 1288, 1327, 1344, 1362-1364, 1403, 1405, 1413, 1419
Khatavet’hi v. Cathay
Khvarazmia, 389, 495, 497, 1543
Kurds, (285)
Mecca, 1144
Meshech, 1572
Mulghazanzar, 583, 952, 957, 1436
Paradise, 132
Pison, 701
Rome, 1534
Asp (aspiti), 1209
Ass (viri), 911, 1086, 1144; drove of asses (rema), 54; wild-ass (candjari), 75
Cat (cata), 317
Chamois (kurtzici), 75
Crocodile (niangi), 947a
Crow (qvavi), 591, 1068, 1231-1232
Deer (iremi), 75, 199, 835, 1564
Dog (dzaghli), 703, 916;? grey-hound, harrier (avaza), 459. Cf. panther, coursing
Dove (tredi), 1162; (mtredi), 1534
Dragon (veshapi), 1136
Dragon-fly, Netonecta glauca (tanadjori), 432
Duck (ikhvi), 606
Eagle (artzivi), 228; (orbi), 959
Ermine (qarqumi), 123
Ewe (tzkhvari), 1571
Falcon (shavardeni), 459, 606 (used as synonym of kori); (kori), 355, 432, 606, 703
Goat (t’hkha), 75, 579, 821, 928, 1022, 1571; she-goat (nezvi), 1182; he-goat (vatzi), 223, 1182
Hawk (gavazi), 211. See Falcon
Hen (dedali), 1534
Horse (tzkheni), 54, 630, 918, 959, 1310, 1382, etc.; (taidchi), 55, 96, 201, 1534
Lamb (cravi), 1571
Leopard (djiki), 26
Lion (lomi), 57, 223, 317, 321, 579, 849, 887-890, 1013, 1052, 1306, 1310, etc.
Mule (djori), 22, 447, 999, 1375, 1402
Nightingale (bulbuli), 82, 946, 1064, 1068, 1231, 1232, 1323; (iadoni), 749, 1232, 1331
Owl (bu), 946
Panther (vep’hkhi), 57, 85, 201, 261, 506, 639, 672, 849, 887-889, 891-892, 902, 1020, 1052, 1154, 1243, 1306; coursing panther (vep’hkhi avaza), 1137
Partridge (cacabi), 227-228; wood-partridge (duradji), 330-332, 336, 355; grey partridge (gnoli), 432
Raven (gorani), 591, 1243, 1246, 1284, 1338
Serpent (greli), 881, 1136, 1188, 1208, 1239. See Asp
Sparrow (siri), 310
Wolf (mgeli), 1571
Almond (nushi), 1257
Aloe, or poplar, or plane tree (alva), 77, 223, 275, 319, 357, 506, 537, 676, 693, 697, 1125, 1312, 1334, etc.
Aspen (verkhvi), 139
Bulrush (shambi), 170, 192, 216, 651, 846, 887, 930, 1309
Cucumber (citri), 767
Cypress (saro), 40, 229, 290, 616, 693, 954, 1051, 1157, 1171
Indigo (lila), 385
Lily (sosani), 72
Millet (kvrima), 1197
Narcissus (nargizi, nargisi,), 151, 397, 954, 1432
Orange (narindji), 465
Reed (lertsami), 176
Rose (vardi), 82, 229, 834, 857-85, 899, 1064, 1068, 1144, 1249, etc.
Saffron (zap’hrana), 346, 671, 834, 1135, 1255
Thorn (ecali), 857-858; of rose (katzvi), 671
Violet (ia), 229, 834, 1249, 1255, 1300
Willow (dzetsna), 742
(Cf. M. Djanashvili's monograph on precious stones in vol. xxiv. of the Tiflis "Sbornik" of the Educational Department.)
Anvil (grdemli), 5
Bezoar (p’hazari), 318
Copper, bronze (rvali), 157, 547
Coral (dzotsi), 72, 524, 1124, 1313
Carnelian (aqiqi), 1124
Crystal (broli), 204, 260, 404, 676, 693, 1118, 1165
Emerald (zurmukhti), 1345
Enamel (mina),? glass, 292, 320, 404, 671, 679, 798
Gold (okro), 72, 157, 169, 1166, 1174-1175
Iron (rcini), 954
Jacinth (iagundi), 276, 292, 318, 1402
Jasper (amarti), 260 (? amber)
Jet (gisheri, sat’hi), 990, 1124, 1232, 1239, 1257, 1409
Lapis-lazuli (lazhvardi), 1321
Lead (tqvia), 5
Pearl (margaliti), 16, 836, 899, 1142, 1145, 1155, 1160, 1173, 1342; mother-of-pearl (sadap’hi), 836
Ruby (lali), 204, 276, 380, 468, 1118, 1145, 1173, 1402, 1415; ruby of Badakhshan (badakhshi), 5, 72, 176, 380, 404, 676, 1415
Silver (vertzkhli), 157
Turquoise (p’hiruzi), 468
Bissextile added day (naci), 787
Eclipse (serpent), 122, 125, 277, 1176, 1208, 1396
Firmament (samqaro), 1, 109, 1471
January (ianvari), 1432
Leo (constellation), (lomi), 1179
Moon (mt’hvare): sex of, 811; invocation to, as origin of love, 819; invocation to, 943, 944; phases of, 582; full moon, 106, 1505, 1510
Planets (mnat’hobi), 134, 275, 944, 1349, 1385, 1387, 1515; (etli), 269, 973, 1072, 1188, 1304; Zual, 938, 944, 1397; Mushthar, 939, 944, 1397; Marikh, 940, 944; Aspiroz, 941, 944; Otarid, 942, 944
Pleiads (khomli, khomi), 1117, 1387
Sun (mze): God's image, 816-7; sex of, 811; invocation to, 937, 944; place of the dead, 1281, 1451 Wheel of heaven, 1285, 1391
Almsgiving, 157, 784-785, 810, 1558, 1571
Bible: hart and waterbrooks, 835, 1564; charity fails not, 1520; fear makes love (? ironical), 1023; "love exalteth us," say the Apostles, 772 ("tinkling cymbals"); gall of bitterness. 99; through a glass darkly, 110, 656, 707, 1431; regeneration, 184
In list of places, see Eden, Euphrates, Gibeon, Gilson, Pison, Paradise
In list of persons, see Adam, Beelzebub, Levi, Satan, Goliath
Choir of heaven's hosts, 771
Death, 781, 782; better than shameful life, 189a, 781; unites lovers, 862-863; dries up tears, 238
Easter Eve, 536
Eternity, 778, 862, 1431-1432; elements, 864; the sun, 1451
God: the All-Seeing (Seer of beings), 112, 841, 1028, 1119; the One, 816, 1431; the Creator, 1, 341; creates not evil, 1468, 1485; ill is fleeting, good conquers ill, 1337; is generous, though the world be hard, 911, 931; hates cruelty to animals, 77; the sun His image, 816-817
Halo, aureole (bacmi, skhivni), 226, 229, 1110, 1410
Icon (khati), 247
Immortality, 1246; union with the One, 1431
Prayers for the dead, 158
Prayers to God, 342 (Tariel), 790, 845, 897 (Asmat’h), 1228
Prayers to the sun, 816-7, 935, 937
Predestination, 189, 422, 423, 591, 776-777, 883, 1014, 1018, 1151, 1314; freewill, 775
Shrine (luscuma), 1345
Koran (musap’hi), 339, 1144; oath on, 514 (? "the book"--tsigni, 1189, "the friend foe")
Mahmad, Bagdad merchants, followers of, drink no wine, 1010
Mecca (Maka), 1144
Mosque (? migzitha), heading of Chap. XXII.
Mulimi, 339
Muqri, 339
Burial, 297, 853, 862, 979, 1521; grave, 15; mourning garb, etc., 324-325, 977, 1183; mourning colours, 1181, 1479; shroud, 698, 783
Devil, 110; v. Satan
Devis, 98, 637, 672, 977, 1340, 1344
Kadjis, 190, 282, 559, 1198, 1220, 1223-7, 1251, 1263, 1276, 1344, 1362-1364
Presentiment, 711
Siren (sirino), 329
Sorcery, 1216, 1245-1247; (moly), 1253
Stoning to death, 1080, 1187, 1267
Wizard (prophet), 1456
Cruelty to animals, 77
Equality, 932
Friendship, 296, 684-685, 688, 758, 767, 770, 779, 834, 914, 1464
Grief, 855
Joking, 1352
Love, 8-14, 18, 27-31, 363-264, 695, 709-710, 772, 791, 814, 895, 910, 1158; love to be sacrificed to honour and duty, 292, 685, 688, 1541
Merchants, 1019, 1143; knight as protector of trade, 1013 Munificence, 49, 50, 1532
Negroes, 563, 1107, 1117, 1122
Oaths, 66, 132, 135, 399, 402, 410, 507, 514, 559, 560, 647, 650, 826, 832, 1131-1132, 1148; (momcal), 247, 457, 550, 601, 612, 725, 778, 910, 967, 1142
Philanthropy, 157, 784-5, S10, 1558, 1571
Royalty (god-like), 1; coronation, 45; "great king," 1145, 1166, 1410; "exalted king," 1198, 1240; regicide, 1180, 1344; equals of God, 836-837; born of God, 39; equal of sun, 1150; reverence for, 153, 288, 974, 1523; death for a king, 425, 1431-1434; kings capricious, 283; King of Kadjis, 1198; also 1146, 1452, 1459-1461, 1488, 1530, 1569-1571
Self-renunciation, 860
Slavery, 1023, 1185, 1195, 1503, 1530
Suicide (Satan's deed), 728, 768, 815, 854, 1169, 1278a, 1279
Vassal and lord, 153, 761, 793, 836-7, 1429, 1488, 1559
Woman, 39, 1059, 1182, 1184, 1561
Seven planets, 275, 944, 1385, 1515 Seven times sin forgiven, 242
"Seven or eight," 622, 633, 689, 1563 Eight, 597, 1312
"Eight upon nine," 1022
Nine heavens, 399
Sixty slaves, 1149
One hundred and twenty, 1139, 1431
One hundred thousand, 723
Drama (coin), 668, 1031, 1040, 1195; (weight), 371, 528, 573, 903, 1214
Kkatauri, 456
Litra, 998
Perpera (?), 1413
Acrobats (mushait’hi), 119, 1370
Archery (mshvildosani, archer), 63, 959
Ball (burt’hi), 20, 63, 317, 322, 804, 1100
Falconry (shavardeni, falcon)
Hawking (kori, hawk); v. Fauna
Hunting (nadiroba), 73-83, 956
Lasso (sagdebeli), 1371
Polo (chogan), 21
Armour (abdjari), 426, 430, 998, 1020, 1344-1347, 1375, 1392: Khvarazmian armour, 389, 1543
Army (spa), 956, 1485. 1543; (t’hemi), 536; (eri), 1012, 1053; (djari), 536
Arsenal (zardakhana), 1240
Asparezi (lists), 100
Battering-ram (bari?), 1381
Bow (mshvildi), 805
Centre of an army (qolbi), 959
Circle of troops (alqa), 956
Club, bludgeon (veti), 1020
Coat of mail (djadchvi), 426, 1346
Flags (alami), 390, 923; drosha, 1016
Galley (catargha), 596
Greaves (sabarculi), 998, 1345
Helmet (muzaradi), 430, 1375, 1389; (chabalakhi), 597, 1384
Lance (shubi), 3, 430-431; (lakhvari), 4, 506, 566
Quiver (capardchi), 93, 259, 355; (karkashi), 72
Ram for sea-fight (sakhnisi,), 1012, 1016, 1021
Rank (dasi), 536
Saddle (unagiri), 1416
Saddlebag (mandicuri). 433
Scourge (lakhti), 1087
Sea-fight, 596 (Tariel's), 1016 (Avt’handil's)
Sentry (nobat’hi), 908, 1277. 1394
Shield (p’hari), 3, 1372, 1388
Ship (navi), 569, 918, 1016; navi khomaldi. 1423
Squadron (razmi), 301, 389, 432, 1322
Squires (meabdjreni), 200
Sword (khmali), 93, 259, 1142; blades, (tsveri), 1394; (shimsheri), 3; (cota), 594, 1363; (safte), 594
Tent (caravi), 535
Canal, irrigation (mili), 284, 538, 768, 1297, 1435, 1528; (ru), 926, 1376
Caravanserai, 1052
Carpet (nokhi), 1238
Chair (scami), 742; (selni), 124
Couch (takhti), 1166
Curtain (p’hardagi), 331
Coverlet, 1126
Mattress, 1126
Pillow (balishi), 1238; (sasthunali), 514, 1126
Window (sarcmeli), 259, 261, 1106, 1113
Clarion--cf. drum (noba), 405, 850, 1170, 1390
Cymbal (tsintsili) 46, 1100, 1528
Drum (dabdabi), 703, 1390, 1436; (? copper drum--kosi), 703, 1436, 1556; kettledrum (? tambourine-tablaci), 435, 1156, 1167, 1170, 1484;? very large kettledrum--noba, cf. clarion
Harp (changi), 101, 120, 178, 472, 704, 1421, 1444; (nachangdapheni), 1421
Lute (? staff with bells,? castanet--chaghana), 101, 704, 1444
Lyre (? psaltery--barbit’hi), 178, 472
Musicoba, 25
Pipe, reed (na), 4, 178, (1421) Psaltery (knari), 1574
Rattles (ezhvanni), 772
Singing-girls (mutribi), 356, 470, 704, 1055, 1440, 1523
Tambourine, large tambourine (ebani? = daira), 1100
Trumpet (buci), 46, 168, 405, 435, 1017, 1170, 1390, 1436, 1556
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