class DJIKey
@interface DJIKey : NSObject
Header: DJIKey.h Inherits From: NSObject
Base class of all keys to be used with the keyed interface and the DJIKeyManager
Class Members:
property isComponentKey
@property (nonatomic ) BOOL isComponentKey
Defines whether or not the key is to be used with components of the product
property isMissionKey
@property (nonatomic ) BOOL isMissionKey
Defines whether or not the key is to be used with missions. (Mission Control only)
property param
@property (readonly , nonatomic , nullable ) NSString *param
The param part of the key.
property index
@property (readonly , nonatomic ) NSInteger index
The component index of the key. Index is zero based. A component will have an index greater than zero when there are multiple components of the same type on the DJI product, and one of the components already has the index 0.
property subComponentIndex
@property (readonly , nonatomic ) NSInteger subComponentIndex
The sub-component index of the key. Index is zero based. Currently, no product supports multiple sub-components of the same type, so it is always 0.
property subComponent
@property (readonly , nonatomic , nullable ) NSString *subComponent
The subComponent of the key if it exists.
class method keyWithParam
+ (nullable instancetype )keyWithParam:(nonnull NSString *)param
Convenience creator of a key by only specifying the param to be used.
This is mostly useful in DJIKey subclasses.
nonnull NSString * param A valid String-formatted key as defined in DJIKey's subclasses headers
nullable instancetype A valid key object or nil
if an error occurred.
class method keyWithIndex:andParam
+ (nullable instancetype )keyWithIndex:(NSInteger )index
andParam:(nonnull NSString *)param
Convenience creator of a key by specifying the index of the element and the parameter of the key
NSInteger index The index of the element. In the case of multiple components these would refer to their index. nonnull NSString * param A valid string-formatted key as defined in DJIKey's subclasses headers.
nullable instancetype A valid key object or nil if an error occurred.
class method keyWithIndex:subComponent:subComponentIndex:andParam
+ (nullable instancetype )keyWithIndex:(NSInteger )index
subComponent:(nonnull NSString *)subComponent
subComponentIndex:(NSInteger )subIndex
andParam:(nonnull NSString *)param
Full creator of a key allowing to specify subelement, subindex and parameters.
NSInteger index The index of the element nonnull NSString * subComponent The sub element string-formatted key as defined in DJIKey's subclasses headers. NSInteger subIndex The sub element index. nonnull NSString * param The string-formatted key as defined in DJIKey's subclasses headers.
nullable instancetype A valid key object or nil if an error occurred.
const DJIParamConnection
EXTERN_KEY NSString *const DJIParamConnection
Param to check product's and components' connection state. It can be used with DJIProductKey
or other component key classes (e.g. DJICameraKey
Class Keys: