A simulated remote controller on the mobile device to control the aircraft when the physical remote controller is absent. The mobile remote controller only supports Mode 2 control style and flight mode P. It is supported by Mavic Pro using WiFi. This object is available from the DJIAircraft subclass off DJIBaseProduct.
Simulates the vertical movement of the left stick, which changes the aircraft's thrust causing it to raise or lower in elevation. The valid range is [-1, 1].
Simulates the horizontal movement of the left stick, which changes the yaw of the aircraft causing it to rotate horizontally. The valid range is [-1, 1].
Simulates the vertical movement of the right stick, which changes the the aircraft's pitch causing it to fly forward or backward. The valid range is [-1, 1].
Simulates the horizontal movement of the right stick, which changes the the aircraft's roll causing it to fly left or right. The valid range is [-1, 1].