DJISDKWaypointMissionParameterErrorMaxFlightSpeed | Max Flight speed value provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointMissionParameterErrorAutoFlightSpeed | Auto flight speed value provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointMissionParameterErrorRepeatTime | Repeat time value provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointMissionParameterErrorWaypointCount | Waypoint count is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointMissionAbsentError | Waypoint mission is absent from the operator (upload failed somehow). |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorCoordinate | Waypoint coordinate provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorAltitude | Waypoint altitude provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorHeading | Waypoint heading provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorActionRepeatTime | Waypoint repeat time provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorActionTimeout | Waypoint action timeout provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorCornerRadius | Waypoint corner radius provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorGimbalPitch | Waypoint gimbal pitch provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorSpeed | Waypoint speed provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorShootPhotoDistance | Waypoint shoot photo distance provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorStayActionParam | Waypoint stay action param provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorRotateGimbalActionParam | Waypoint rotate gimbal action param provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorRotateAircraftActionParam | Waypoint rotate aircraft action param provided is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorIndeciesAreDiscontinuous | Waypoint indecies are discontinuous. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorIndexOutOfRange | Waypoint index out of range. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorInvalidDataSize | Waypoint data size is invalid. It is for internal usage. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorTakeoffFailureCausedByAttitude | The aircraft cannot take off because of improper aircraft's attitude. |
DJISDKWaypointParameterErrorInvalidIntervalShootParam | The time interval or the distance interval is invalid. |
DJISDKWaypointGetInterruptionFailureForCompleteMission | The waypoint mission interruption is not available because the last mission completed successfully. |
DJISDKWaypointGetInterruptionFailureWithoutReachingFirstWaypoint | The waypoint mission interruption is not available because the aircraft didn't reach the first waypoint in the last mission. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorSystemAbnormal | System error, please try again. If the error continues, restart the aircraft. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorTargetAreaIsTooSmall | Frame selection subject too small. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorInsufficientFeaturesInTargetArea | Frame selection subject texture not obvious. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorLostTargetWhileWatching | Tracking subject lost while watching. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorLostTargetWhileExecuting | Tracking subject lost while executing. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorReprojectionFailedWhileExecuting | Failed to estimate, please try again. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorTargetTooClose | Frame subject too close. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorTargetSizeChanged | Target size changed, please try again. If the error persists, restart the aircraft. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorGPSAbnormal | GPS signal weak. Please try again in an open area. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorHotpointInvalid | Hotpoint parameter do not meet requirements. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorWatchTargetFailed | Gimbal reached movement limit, subjecting failed. Please try again. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorEstimateTimeout | Estimate timeout, mission exit. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorEstimateResultInvalid | Failed to estimate subject location. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorExitByUserButton | Current mission exit by user button. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorRadiusLimit | The aircraft reach the distance limit. Please operate the aircraft within the distance limit. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorAlitudeLimit | The aircraft reach the altitude limit. Please operate the aircraft within the Altitude limit. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorControlFailed | Intelligent Hotpoint mission execute failed, the description is the fail reason. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorLostConnectionWithRemoteController | Lost connection with remoteController. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorObstacleEncounteredWhileEstimating | Obstacles encountered while estimating, current mission quitted. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorObstacleEncounteredWhileSurrounding | Obstacles encountered while surrounding, current mission suspended. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorTargetIsTooFaraway | Target is too faraway, the aircraft needs to continue to measure distance. |
DJISDKHotpointErrorAltitudeTooLow | Aircraft's altitude is too low to execute hotpoint mission. |
DJISDKMissionErrorMultiModeDisabled | The mission cannot start when multi-mode is disabled. |
DJISDKMissionErrorModeError | Cannot execute in the current mode. For products and flight controller firmware versions that support 'F' mode (e.g. Phantom 3 Professional, Inspire 1, A3 with flight controller firmware version lower than, etc), please make sure the remote controller's mode switch is in 'F' mode. For the others, please make sure the remote controller's mode switch is in 'P' mode. |
DJISDKMissionErrorGPSSignalWeak | The GPS signal of the aircraft is weak. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftLowBattery | Low battery level warning. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftNotInTheAir | The aircraft is not in the air. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftAltitudeTooHigh | The aircraft's altitude is too high. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftAltitudeTooLow | The aircraft's altitude is too low. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftTakingOff | Aircraft is taking off. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftLanding | Aircraft is landing. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftGoingHome | Aircraft is going home. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftStartingEngine | Aircraft is starting engine. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftHomePointNotRecorded | The home point of the aircraft is not recorded. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftLostFollowMeTarget | Aircraft lost the follow target. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftInNoviceMode | Aircraft is in novice mode. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftInNoFlyZone | Aircraft is in a no fly zone. |
DJISDKMissionErrorReachFlightLimitation | The aircraft has reached the flight limitation. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftRunningMission | The aircraft is running a mission. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftNoRunningMission | Aircraft is not running a mission. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftNoMission | No aircraft mission. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftNearHomePoint | Aircraft is too close to the home point. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftFarAwayMission | Aircraft is too far away from the mission. |
DJISDKMissionErrorMissionParametersInvalid | The parameters of the mission are invalid. |
DJISDKMissionErrorMissionTotalDistanceTooLarge | Mission's total distance is too large. |
DJISDKMissionErrorMissionNeedTooMuchTime | Mission needs too much time to execute. |
DJISDKMissionErrorMissionResumeFailed | Mission resume failed. |
DJISDKMissionErrorCommandCanNotExecute | Command can not be executed. This is sometimes because commands are sent too frequently. |
DJISDKMissionErrorAircraftAlreadyInCommandState | Aircraft already in command state. Repeating the same command results in this error. |
DJISDKMissionErrorMissionNotReady | Mission not prepared. |
DJISDKMissionErrorCustomMissionStepCannotPause | Custom mission step can not be paused. |
DJISDKMissionErrorCustomMissionStepsNotInitialized | Custom mission is not initialized with the mission steps. The Steps array is empty. |
DJISDKMissionErrorCustomMissionStepInitializing | Current mission step is initializing. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingTargetLost | The tracking target is lost. |
DJISDKMissionErrorNoVideoFeed | No live video feed is captured for the ActiveTrack Mission. |
DJISDKMissionErrorVideoFrameRateTooLow | The frame rate of the live video feed is too low. |
DJISDKMissionErrorVisionSystemNotAuthorized | The vision system cannot get the authorization to control the aircraft. |
DJISDKMissionErrorVisionSystemError | The vision system encounters system error. |
DJISDKMissionErrorCannotBypassObstacle | The aircraft cannot bypass the obstacle. |
DJISDKMissionErrorStoppedByUser | Mission was stopped by the user. |
DJISDKMissionErrorVisionSystemNeedsCalibration | The vision system requires calibration. |
DJISDKMissionErrorVisionSensorOverexposed | The vision sensors are overexposed. |
DJISDKMissionErrorVisionSensorUnderexposed | The vision sensors are underexposed. |
DJISDKMissionErrorVisionDataAbnormal | The data from the vision system is abnormal. |
DJISDKMissionErrorFeaturePointCannotMatch | The feature points found by both vision sensors cannot match. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingRectTooSmall | The tracking rectangle is too small. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingRectTooLarge | The tracking rectangle is too large. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingTargetNotEnoughFeatures | The tracking target doesn't have enough features to lock onto. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingTargetTooClose | The Tracking target is too close to the aircraft. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingTargetTooFar | The tracking target is too far away from the aircraft. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingTargetTooHigh | The tracking target is too high. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingTargetShaking | The tracking target is shaking too much. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingTargetLowConfidence | The ActiveTrack mission is too unsure the tracking object and confirmation is required. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingPausedByUser | Mission is paused by user. |
DJISDKMissionErrorGimbalPitchTooLow | Gimbal pitch is too low. |
DJISDKMissionErrorGimbalPitchTooLarge | Gimbal pitch is too large. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTrackingObstacleDetected | Encounter an obstacle. |
DJISDKMissionErrorTapFlyDirectionInvalid | TapFly direction invalid. |
DJISDKMissionErrorVisionSystemNotAvailable | The front vision system is not available. |
DJISDKMissionErrorInitializationFailed | The initialization of the mission failed. |
DJISDKMissionErrorCannotPauseOrResume | Mission can not pause or resume. |
DJISDKMissionErrorReachAltitudeLowerBound | The aircraft reaches the altitude lower bound of the TapFly Mission. |
DJISDKMissionErrorRTKSignalWeak | RTK's signal is weak. |
DJISDKMissionErrorLandingGearDeployed | Aircraft's landing gear is deployed. |