class DJICameraPlaybackState
@interface DJICameraPlaybackState : NSObject
Header: DJICameraPlaybackState.h Inherits From: NSObject
This class provides the current state of the Playback manager, which includes the numbers of thumbnail and media files, video duration, video play progress, and file download state.
Class Members:
property playbackMode
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) DJICameraPlaybackMode playbackMode
Header: DJICameraPlaybackState.h
The current mode of the Playback manager.
See Also:
property photoCount
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) int photoCount
Header: DJICameraPlaybackState.h
The total number of photos on the SD card.
property videoCount
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) int videoCount
Header: DJICameraPlaybackState.h
The total number of videos on the SD card.
property currentSelectedFileIndex
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) int currentSelectedFileIndex
Header: DJICameraPlaybackState.h
The index of the current selected file.
property isAllFilesInPageSelected
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) BOOL isAllFilesInPageSelected
Header: DJICameraPlaybackState.h
if all the files on the current page are selected.
property deletionState
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) DJICameraPlaybackDeletionState deletionState
Header: DJICameraPlaybackState.h
The current status of a file when the user tries to delete it.
See Also:
enum DJICameraPlaybackMode
typedef NS_ENUM (uint8_t, DJICameraPlaybackMode)
Header: DJICameraPlaybackState.h
A playback mode represents a task that the Playback manager is executing.
Enum Members:
DJICameraPlaybackModeSingleFilePreviewSingle file preview mode. DJICameraPlaybackModeSingleVideoPlaybackStartSingle video playback start. DJICameraPlaybackModeSingleVideoPlaybackPauseSingle video playback pause. DJICameraPlaybackModeMultipleFilesEditMultiple file edit. DJICameraPlaybackModeMultipleFilesPreviewMultiple media file preview. DJICameraPlaybackModeDownloadDownload media files. DJICameraPlaybackModeUnknownUnknown playback mode.
enum DJICameraPlaybackDeletionState
typedef NS_ENUM (uint8_t, DJICameraPlaybackDeletionState)
Header: DJICameraPlaybackState.h
The file deletion status when deleting a file as the camera is in playback mode.
Enum Members:
DJICameraPlaybackDeletionStateNoneCamera is not deleting files. DJICameraPlaybackDeletionStateFailedMedia file delete failed. DJICameraPlaybackDeletionStateDeletingMedia file is deleting. DJICameraPlaybackDeletionStateSuccessfulDelete Media file successfully. DJICameraPlaybackDeletionStateUnknownMedia file unknown delete status.