Local Data Mode (LDM) manager. When Local Data Mode is enabled, the SDK's access to the internet is restricted. Only application registration (confirming the app key is valid) will be unrestricted. All other SDK services will be restricted. When the SDK's internet access is restricted, all SDK services that require an internet connection will not be available or able to update. For instance, the Fly Zone manager will not be able to update the fly zone data base, retrieve the latest TFRs (temporary flight restrictions) or unlock fly zones. LDM is therefore most appropriate for users that have very stringent data requirements, and are able to accommodate this restricted functionality. *DJILDMManagerSupportedChangedNotification and *DJILDMManagerEnabledChangedNotification can be used to monitor changes in state for availability of LDM support and whether LDM is enabled or not. LDM is not available when operating in China.
YES if LDM is supported in the current context. LDM is not supported in China. The SDK locally uses GPS location and MCC (mobile country code) to determine the country of operation. If LDM is not enabled and the internet is accessible, the IP address is also used to determine the country of operation. The default value is YES after the first installation.
Enables LDM. Can only be enabled if isLDMSupported is YES. Call this method before calling the other methods of SDK (including registerAppWithDelegate) to restrict the internet access of SDK (SDK registration is unrestricted).
nullable NSError *
The error occured. NULL if LDM is enabled successfully.
Notification if LDM support has changed. If LDM support changes from YES to NO, and LDM is enabled, then LDM will be disabled after 2 minutes (120s) if isLDMSupported remains NO.