class NSError
@interface NSError (DJISDKCache )
Header: NSError+DJISDKCache.h
NSError's DJISDKCache category. It contains methods to create custom NSErrors.
Class Members:
Get DJISDKCacheError
class method
class method DJISDKCacheErrorForCode
+ (_Nullable instancetype )DJISDKCacheErrorForCode:(NSInteger )errorCode
Header: NSError+DJISDKCache.h
Get DJISDKCacheError.
_Nullable instancetype An NSError object initialized with errorCode. If the errorCode was 0, returns nil.
Cache Error Description
class method
class method descriptionForCacheError
+ (NSString *)descriptionForCacheError:(NSInteger )errorCode
Header: NSError+DJISDKCache.h
Get description string of the DJISDKCacheError.
NSString * An NSString object for the cache error description.
extern DJISDKCacheErrorDomain
FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString * _Nonnull const DJISDKCacheErrorDomain
Header: NSError+DJISDKCache.h
SDK Cache error domain.
enum DJISDKCacheError
typedef NS_ENUM (NSInteger , DJISDKCacheError)
Header: NSError+DJISDKCache.h
DJI SDK Cache Error.
Enum Members:
DJISDKCacheErrorInvalidKeyFormatThe key does not match the format: component/index/key with index being a number or *. DJISDKCacheErrorInvalidKeyForComponentThe key does not exist in component abstraction. DJISDKCacheErrorNoGetForKeyThe key is not gettable. DJISDKCacheErrorNoSetForKeyThe key is not settable. DJISDKCacheErrorUnknowAccessTypeThe access type requested for the key is unknown. This is an implementation error in the cache as only valid types should be exposed to the public interface. DJISDKCacheErrorDisconnectedThe abstraction is no longer connected to real hardware. DJISDKCacheErrorNoStorageAccessCan not access to component storage. DJISDKCacheErrorNoActionForKeyThe key is not actionable. DJISDKCacheErrorCancelThe operation was cancelled. DJISDKCacheErrorActionExecutionFailedThe action's execution failed. DJISDKCacheErrorMissingArgumentsMissing Arguments. DJISDKCacheErrorTooManyArgumentsToo many Arguments. DJISDKCacheErrorActionArgumentTypeMismatchArguments Type Mismatch. DJISDKCacheErrorNoComponentAtIndexNo component at index. DJISDKCacheErrorUnknownSubComponentUnknown SubComponent. DJISDKCacheErrorNoSubComponentAtIndexNo SubComponent at index. DJISDKCacheErrorInvalidKeyForSubComponentInvalid key for subcomponent. DJISDKCacheErrorSetterValueTypeMismatchInvalid value type for the setter.