class DJIPanoramaMissionExecutionState
@interface DJIPanoramaMissionExecutionState : NSObject
Header: DJIPanoramaMissionTypes.h Inherits From: NSObject
This class provides the real-time status of an executing Panorama mission.
Class Members:
property totalNumber
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) NSUInteger totalNumber
Header: DJIPanoramaMissionTypes.h
The total number of photos that will be shot during the mission. In full circle mode, the number should be 8. In the half circle mode, the number should be 5.
property currentShotNumber
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) NSUInteger currentShotNumber
Header: DJIPanoramaMissionTypes.h
The number of photos that have been shot.
property currentSavedNumber
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) NSUInteger currentSavedNumber
Header: DJIPanoramaMissionTypes.h
The number of photos that have been saved to SD card.