DJI Mobile SDK Documentation

      class DJIFlyZoneManager

      @interface DJIFlyZoneManager : NSObject
      Inherits From:NSObject

      Fly Zone Manager gives information about nearby fly zones, and APIs to unlock zones that can be unlocked. Depending on location, there are three types of fly zones possible:

    • DJIFlyZoneTypeCircle: Cylinder or truncated cone volume with four levels of restriction:
      • Warning Zones : no restriction
      • Enhanced warning zones : Flight restricted, can be unlocked for flight when the user logs into their DJI account
      • Authorization zones : Flight restricted, can be unlocked for flight when the user logs into their DJI account and the account has been authorized to unlock authorization zones.
      • Restricted zones : Flight restricted

    • DJIFlyZoneTypePoly: Fly zone that consists of one or more sub fly zones that are cylinders or complex volumes with different height limitations. A height limitation of 0 means flight is completely restricted. This is used by Spark, Mavic, Phantom 4 Series, Inspire 2 and Matrice 200 series.

    • On the Phantom 3, Inspire 1, M100, M600, A3/N3 series of products, there can also be a buffer area with radius about 23 km around a restricted fly zone where flight height is limited to 120m.
      Class Members:
      State Updates
      property delegate
      @property(nonatomic, weak) id<DJIFlyZoneDelegate> delegate

      Delegate to receive the updated status.

      See Also:


      method getFlyZonesInSurroundingAreaWithCompletion
      -(void)getFlyZonesInSurroundingAreaWithCompletion:(void (^_Nonnull)(NSArray<DJIFlyZoneInformation*> *_Nullable infos, NSError* _Nullable error))completion

      Gets all the fly zones within 20km of the aircraft. During simulation, this method is available only when the aircraft location is within 50km of (37.460484, -122.115312) or within 50km of (22.5726, 113.8124499). Use of the geographic information provided by DJIFlyZoneManager is restricted. Refer to the DJI Developer Policy.

      Input Parameters:
      NSArray<DJIFlyZoneInformation*> *_Nullable infosArray of DJIFlyZoneInformation objects.
      NSError* _Nullable errorError retrieving the value.
      void (^_Nonnull)(NSArray<DJIFlyZoneInformation*> *_Nullable infos, NSError* _Nullable error) completionCompletion block to receive the result.
      method getUnlockedFlyZonesForAircraftWithCompletion
      -(void)getUnlockedFlyZonesForAircraftWithCompletion:(void (^_Nonnull)(NSArray<DJIFlyZoneInformation*> *_Nullable infos, NSError* _Nullable error))completion

      Gets a list of authorization fly zones unlocked by the account for the connected aircraft. It includes fly zones unlocked by the Flight Planner (, and the ones unlocked during flight using DJI Go or any DJI Mobile SDK based application. This list does NOT include fly zones unlocked by custom unlocking. For Inspire 1 and Phantom 3 series, the list is fetched from the server. If the internet is not accessible, the cached local data will be used. For the other products, the list is fetched from the aircraft.

      Input Parameters:
      NSArray<DJIFlyZoneInformation*> *_Nullable infosThe unlocked authorization fly zones for the connected aircraft.
      NSError* _Nullable errorError retrieving the value.
      void (^_Nonnull)(NSArray<DJIFlyZoneInformation*> *_Nullable infos, NSError* _Nullable error) completionCompletion block to receive the result.
      method unlockFlyZones:withCompletion
      -(void)unlockFlyZones:(NSArray<NSNumber *> *_Nonnull)flyZoneIDs withCompletion:(DJICompletionBlock)completion

      Unlocks the selected fly zones. This method can be used to unlock authorization zones. After unlocking the zones, flight will be unrestricted in those zones until the unlock expires. The unlocking record will be linked to the user's account and will be accessible to DJI Go and other DJI Mobile SDK based applications.
      Data Protection Notes - Calling this method will send the following protected data to DJI server:
      - User account information
      - The serial number of the connected aircraft.

      Input Parameters:
      NSArray<NSNumber *> *_Nonnull flyZoneIDsThe IDs of DJIFlyZoneCategoryAuthorization zones.
      DJICompletionBlock completionThe execution block with the returned execution result.
      method reloadUnlockedZoneGroupsFromServerWithCompletion

      Reloads the unlocked zone groups unlocked by the current user's account from the server. For all products besides Phantom 3 and Inspire 1 series this includes both self unlocked and custom unlocked zones. Each unlocked zone group corresponds to one aircraft serial number. After launch, SDK will call this method once. It will call this method again when either the network connection or the current account state changes (e.g. when a new user successfully logs in). Call this method any other time to trigger the reloading manually. Calling this method will NOT synchronize the loaded zone groups onto the aircraft. To get a list of groups currently loaded from the server, call getLoadedUnlockedZoneGroupsWithCompletion. User will need to manually call syncUnlockedZoneGroupToAircraftWithCompletion to synchronize the unlocked group to the connected aircraft after the unlocked zone groups are reloaded. This feature is not supported by Inspire 1 or Phantom 3 series. For the other products, it can be used when isCustomUnlockZoneSupported returns YES.

      Input Parameters:
      DJICompletionBlock completioncompletion block to receive the result.
      method getCustomUnlockZonesFromAircraft
      - (NSArray<DJICustomUnlockZone *> * _Nullable)getCustomUnlockZonesFromAircraft

      Gets the Custom Unlock Zones currently on the aircraft. This method can only be used when isCustomUnlockZoneSupported is YES.

      NSArray<DJICustomUnlockZone *> * _NullableCustom Unlock Zones currently on the aircraft.
      method enableCustomUnlockZone:withCompletion
      -(void)enableCustomUnlockZone:(DJICustomUnlockZone *_Nullable)zone

      Enables an Custom Unlock Zones that is on the aircraft. All Custom Unlock Zones on the aircraft can be retrieved with getCustomUnlockZonesFromAircraft. At any time, only one Custom Unlock Zone can be enabled. Enabling an Custom Unlock Zone will disable the previously enabled zone. This method can only be used when isCustomUnlockZoneSupported is YES.

      Input Parameters:
      DJICustomUnlockZone *_Nullable zoneCustom Unlock Zone to enabled. If zone is nil, only the previously enabled zone will be disabled.
      DJICompletionBlock completioncompletion block to receive the result.
      method getEnabledCustomUnlockZoneWithCompletion
      -(void)getEnabledCustomUnlockZoneWithCompletion:(void (^_Nonnull)(DJICustomUnlockZone *_Nullable zone, NSError *_Nullable error))completion

      Gets the currently enabled Custom Unlock Zone. This method can only be used when isCustomUnlockZoneSupported is YES.

      Input Parameters:
      DJICustomUnlockZone *_Nullable zoneThe enabled Custom Unlock Zone. nil if no zones are enabled.
      NSError *_Nullable errorError if there is any.
      void (^_Nonnull)(DJICustomUnlockZone *_Nullable zone, NSError *_Nullable error) completionCompletion block to receive the result.
      method getLoadedUnlockedZoneGroupsWithCompletion
      - (void)getLoadedUnlockedZoneGroupsWithCompletion:(void (^_Nonnull)(NSArray<DJIUnlockedZoneGroup *> *_Nullable groups,
      truetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetruetrueNSError* _Nullable error))completion

      Gets the unlocked zone groups loaded from the server. Each zone group corresponds to one aircraft. The loaded zone groups will NOT be synchronized to the aircraft automatically. User need to manually invoke syncUnlockedZoneGroupToAircraftWithCompletion to synchronize the unlocked zone group to the connected aircraft. Invoke reloadUnlockedZoneGroupsFromServerWithCompletion to trigger the reloading of unlocked zone groups manually. This feature is not supported by Inspire 1 or Phantom 3 series. For the other products, it can be used when isCustomUnlockZoneSupported returns YES.

      Input Parameters:
      NSArray<DJIUnlockedZoneGroup *> *_Nullable groupsThe unlocked zone groups loaded from the server associated to the logged-in account.
      NSError* _Nullable errorError retrieving the value.
      void (^_Nonnull)(NSArray<DJIUnlockedZoneGroup *> *_Nullable groups, NSError* _Nullable error) completionThe execution block with the returned result.
      method syncUnlockedZoneGroupToAircraftWithCompletion
      - (void)syncUnlockedZoneGroupToAircraftWithCompletion:(DJICompletionBlock)completion

      Synchronizes the unlocked zone group to the connected aircraft. SDK will select the unlocked zone group that matches the serial number of the connected aircraft. After the unlocked zone group is synchronized to the aircraft successfully, the latest unlocked fly zones and the custom unlock zones on the aircraft can be checked by the follow methods:

      - Unlocked fly zones: getUnlockedFlyZonesForAircraftWithCompletion
      - Custom unlock zones: getCustomUnlockZonesFromAircraft This feature is not supported by Inspire 1 or Phantom 3 series. For the other products, it can be used when isCustomUnlockZoneSupported returns YES.

      Input Parameters:
      DJICompletionBlock completionThe completion block with the returned result.
      Custom Unlock Zone Supported
      property isCustomUnlockZoneSupported
      @property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isCustomUnlockZoneSupported

      YES if an aircraft is connected with flight controller firmware that supports Custom Unlock Zones. Aircraft that support Custom Unlock zones are also able to disable unlocked fly zones temporarily.

      property preciseDatabaseVersion
      @property(nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *preciseDatabaseVersion

      The version of the precise fly zone database in the firmware of the aircraft. It is nil if preciseDatabaseState is DJIFlyZoneDatabaseStateInitializing. The precise database is supported by Phantom 4 series, Inspire 2, M200 series, Mavic and Spark.

      property preciseDatabaseState
      @property(nonatomic, readonly) DJIFlyZoneDatabaseState preciseDatabaseState

      The fly zone database state in the firmware of the aircraft. The SDK will compare the version of the database on the aircraft against the latest one online. When the aircraft database is out-of-date, the user should use DJI Go or Assistant 2 to update the firmware. This database is supported by Phantom 4 series, Inspire 2, M200 series, Mavic and Spark. For older products, use basicDatabaseState.

      See Also:


      property basicDatabaseState
      @property(nonatomic, readonly) DJIFlyZoneDatabaseState basicDatabaseState

      The state of the basic fly zone database on the mobile device. The SDK will compare the version of the local database against the latest one online. When the local database is out-of-date, call startBasicDatabaseUpgradeWithCompletion to start updating the database. If the update is compulsory (for safety reasons), SDK will start the update automatically. The basic database is used by DJI aircraft that do not support the precise database (e.g. Phantom 3 series, Inspire 1 series).

      See Also:


      property basicDatabaseVersion
      @property(nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSString *basicDatabaseVersion

      The version of the basic fly zone database on the mobile device. It is nil if the local file cannot be parsed by SDK. The basic database is used by DJI aircraft that do not support the precise database (e.g. Phantom 3 series, Inspire 1 series).

      method startBasicDatabaseUpgradeWithCompletion

      Starts the upgrde of the basic database. Internet access is required. When the upgrade is started successfully, use flyZoneManager:didUpdateBasicDatabaseUpgradeProgress:andError to monitor the progress.

      Input Parameters:
      DJICompletionBlock completionCompletion block that will be called if the update is started successfully or an error occurs.
      method stopBasicDatabaseUpgradeWithCompletion

      Stops the in-progress upgrade of the basic database.

      Input Parameters:
      DJICompletionBlock completionCompletion block that will be called if the update is started successfully or an error occurs.
      enum DJIFlyZoneDatabaseState
      typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, DJIFlyZoneDatabaseState)

      The state of the fly zone database on the aircraft.

      Enum Members:
      DJIFlyZoneDatabaseStateInitializingSDK is fetching the information of the database.
      DJIFlyZoneDatabaseStateNoInternetConnectionSDK cannot access the Internet, so it cannot compare the database version with the latest one on the Internet.
      DJIFlyZoneDatabaseStateOutOfDateAircraft's database version is older than the latest one. User should use DJI Go or Assistant 2 to upgrade the firmware in order to keep the database up to date.
      DJIFlyZoneDatabaseStateUpToDateThe database in the aircraft is up to date.
      DJIFlyZoneDatabaseStateUnknownUnknown state
      enum DJIFlyZoneState
      typedef NS_ENUM(uint8_t, DJIFlyZoneState)

      This enum describes whether the aircraft is clear of, near, or actually in a fly zone.

      Enum Members:
      DJIFlyZoneStateClearThe aircraft is not within 200 meters of any warning, enhanced warning, authorization or restricted zone.
      DJIFlyZoneStateNearRestrictedZoneThe aircraft is within 200 meters of an authorization or restricted zone.
      DJIFlyZoneStateInWarningZoneWithHeightLimitationThe aircraft is currently in a warning or enhanced warning zone and this place will limit max flight height to 120m.
      DJIFlyZoneStateInWarningZoneThe aircraft is currently in a warning or enhanced warning zone.
      DJIFlyZoneStateInRestrictedZoneThe aircraft is currently in an authorization or restricted zone.
      protocol DJIFlyZoneDelegate
      @protocol DJIFlyZoneDelegate <NSObject>
      Inherits From:NSObject

      This protocol provides the delegate method to receive updated fly zone information.

      Protocol Methods:

      Protocol Method

      method flyZoneManager:didUpdateFlyZoneState
      -(void)flyZoneManager:(DJIFlyZoneManager *)manager didUpdateFlyZoneState:(DJIFlyZoneState)state

      Called when the latest fly zone status is received.

      Input Parameters:
      DJIFlyZoneManager * managerThe fly zone manager that updates state.
      DJIFlyZoneState stateAn enum value of DJIFlyZoneState.
      method flyZoneManager:didUpdateBasicDatabaseUpgradeProgress:andError
      -(void)flyZoneManager:(DJIFlyZoneManager *)manager didUpdateBasicDatabaseUpgradeProgress:(float)progress andError:(NSError * _Nullable)error

      Called when the basic database upgrade progress changes or an error occurs.

      Input Parameters:
      DJIFlyZoneManager * managerThe fly zone manager that updates progress.
      float progressThe upgrade progress of the basic database.
      NSError * _Nullable errorError if there is any.