class DJIWaypointUploadProgress
@interface DJIWaypointUploadProgress : NSObject
Header: DJIWaypointMissionTypes.h Inherits From: NSObject
The upload progress of the waypoint mission operator.
Class Members:
property uploadedWaypointIndex
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) NSInteger uploadedWaypointIndex
Header: DJIWaypointMissionTypes.h
The index of the last uploaded waypoint. Information for each waypoint is uploaded one by one in ascending order. If no waypoint has been uploaded, the value will be -1.
property totalWaypointCount
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) NSUInteger totalWaypointCount
Header: DJIWaypointMissionTypes.h
The total count of waypoints in the waypoint mission.
property isWaypointSummaryUploaded
@property (nonatomic , readonly ) BOOL isWaypointSummaryUploaded
Header: DJIWaypointMissionTypes.h
The waypoint mission operator has uploaded the the mission's summary (information except waypoints).